Help give your C-section baby the extra protection he needs

C-section babies may need extra protection against infections and allergy.

Around 30% of all babies in Singapore are born by Caesarean section (C-section). While C-sections may be necessary due to medical reasons, the latest research shows that children born by C-section do not get the probiotics or protective bacteria like babies born naturally and are more prone to infections and allergy.

C-section babies deserve natural protection like naturally delivered babies

Most C-section babies — and their mothers — do very well after recovering from birth. But it has been discovered that C-section babies tend to get more infections than naturally delivered babies in their first years.

During natural birth, babies get protective bacteria or probiotics from their mothers. Babies benefit immediately from these probiotics because they help block the entry of infectious organisms. More importantly, they help lay the foundation for a strong immune system by stimulating infection-fighting immune cells.

C-section babies may miss out on these probiotics such as BL® Bifidus, and it can take up to six months longer for them to establish the same probiotic levels as other babies.

Nature provides the best solution

Breastfeeding is best for all babies, but for those delivered by C-section, it is even more beneficial.

Breast milk contains probiotics, as well as all the nutrients a baby needs for healthy growth and development.

What comes next?

After exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months or longer, older babies may benefit from a follow-on formula that contains probiotics. It’s important to be aware, though, that not all probiotics are the same. You should look for follow-on formulas that contain clinically proven probiotics such as BL® Bifidus.

So if you have a C-section baby, breastfeed him for as long as possible, then choose a follow-on formula that contains clinically proven probiotics.

That way you’ll know your baby has all the protection he needs.

Sources: 1. Ganesan G. Deliveries in Singapore. Ministry of Health Information Paper 2004/06. 2. Grönlund M-M, Lehtonen O-P, Eerola E and Kero P. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition 1999; 28 (1): 19-25.

Important Notice: Breast milk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months and should be continued as long as possible. Unnecessary introduction of bottle-feeding or other food and drinks should be discouraged since it will have a negative effect on breast-feeding. Consult your doctor for advice if you are unable to breastfeed.


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