The Mislabeled Child

It’s the best book I’ve read on learning differences, how to identify them, and the steps to take to help. Psychs and other experts are great, but you also need an idea of how to help since the parent is in the best position to do so (we’re on call 24X7!)

The book has chapters on the various issues, eg, CAPD, dyslexia, dysgraphia etc that can sometimes be seen as ADHD since the child has poor input and so cannot focus.

Ultimately, the authors give you strategies on how best to strengthen parts of the memory (and there are so many types!) to overcome the various issues. It’s truly worth a read.

More about this book



Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for sharing 🙂



Hi Blobbi

Thanks for recommending this book.

I just finished reading 2 books by Jenny McCarthy, Mother Warriors – A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds and Louder Than Words – A Mother’s Journey in Healing Autism.  Interesting and easy read.

I’ll check your book out soon.

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read – Mark Twain


Thank you for sharing

Thank you for sharing Blobbi


Thanks Blobbi for the recommendation.

My kid needs me to be by his side to push him to do homework, learning his spellings etc…  If left to his own to learn spellings or homework, it will probably take the whole year…