2022 P1 Registration: Phase 2C

Submitted by Chief Kiasu


The results of Phase 2C is finally out.

A total of 89 schools have been oversubscribed, with 2 more schools being oversubscribed for PR students.

Princess Elizabeth Primary holds the crown this year, being 505% oversubscribed!  That means you have less than 1/5 of a chance of being successful in your ballot.

This year, CHIJ SNGS has been rather muted in demand.  Perhaps reality has finally sunk in for parents, who are now looking elsewhere.

St Anthony’s Primary, Geylang Methodist School and Punggol View Primary are schools which require balloting this year while they managed to hold off last year.  On the other hand, Haig Girl’s, Springdale Primary, Tampines Primary and Kheng Cheng escaped balloting this year.  All the rest of the schools are almost exactly the same as last year in terms of oversubscription.

St Gabriel’s Primary managed to just escape balloting with 77 students filling all the vacancies nicely.

So from the looks of it, MOE’s changes seem to be of little effect.  Many “popular” schools like Ai Tong and Catholic High has actually increased in demand by 20 odd places.



Day 2 of Phase 2C is completed.

There are now 74 schools oversubscribed.  Mee Toh, of course, is now oversubscribed with 145 applicants for 100 places.  It will only get worse tomorrow.

There is little surprise since most of the schools that are expected to require balloting will be oversubscribed.  Going through the list:

  • St Anthony’s Primary is going for balloting when it avoided it last year.
  • St Margaret’s Primary is inching towards oversubscription at 77 applicants for 101 places.
  • Qifa Primary is already 101 applicants for 111 places.
  • Haig Girls’ might avoid balloting this year.
  • CHIJ OLN has only 2 more places before it oversubscribe.
  • Jurong West Primary has only 3 more places.
  • Lakeside Primary is slightly better with 80 applicants for 113 places.
  • Ngee Ann Primary has 103 applicants for 123 places.
  • Sembawang Primary has only 4 places left.
  • Compassvale Primary has only 3 places left.
  • Tampines Primary has 55 applicants for 82 places.  It might avoid balloting this year.
  • Kheng Cheng has only 81 applicants for 140 places.  Fingers crossed.
  • Innova Primary is 78 applicants for 84 places.
  • Huamin Primary is 88 applicants for 95 places.

Overall, the trend is still similar to the past, before MOE moved 20 places from Phase 2A to Phase 2C.  So does it really make the whole exercise less stressful?  You make the judgement.  I only do the math… 🙂



Day 1 of Phase 2C is finished and here are the results.

A total of 41 schools are oversubscribed, with one school, Mee Toh, filling all available space without oversubscribing, thanks to someone who withdrew from the school.  It is, however, too early to heave a sigh of relief for the school, because this is just the first day of registration.

All of those oversubscribed today were oversubscribed last year too.  The surprising thing is CHIJ St Nicholas’ Girls, which is still only 85% filled.  It won’t stay that way for long…

Temasek Primary and Angsana Primary both has 31 applicants more than last year, while Tao Nan is 25 students more than last year.  That’s more than the 20 places added to Phase 2C.  Given that this is the first day, we can expect these numbers to increase.



The Phase 2C of the 2022 P1 Registration is upon us!

Today is the first day.  There are 3 days in this Phase, and you can continue to bid for the schools until 4:30pm on 29 July, this Friday.

I have included the table showing the progress of the P1 Registration so far.

The APP column refers to the percentage of Applications over the number of places offered for this stage.  Of course it is 0% since they will only report the numbers later tonight (no time is given but it is usually around 7pm).

The TUR column refers to the Take-Up Rate so far for each school.  Nanyang Primary has the biggest cohort AND yet it also has the highest TUR at 90%.

2022 Places refers to the number of remaining places available for Phase 2C.

2022 Day 1, 2 and 3 refer to the number of applications for each of the 3 days.

2021 APP refers to the number of Applications for Phase 2C in 2021, last year.  This number is mainly for reference and the actual 2022 numbers will likely be higher this year as 20 places have been taken out of earlier phases for Phase 2C.  We have also highlighted the number in beige to show those schools that were oversubscribed last year.  So it should be easy to see and predict, those schools which already has lower 2022 Places compared to last year’s 2021 App numbers are very likely to require balloting this year.

For example, Anderson Primary has only 63 places this year for Phase 2C, and 75 people applied for it last year.  So it is very likely to require balloting this year.  Alexandra Primary in Bukit Merah, however, has 112 places this year and 112 applicants last year.  Will it require balloting this year?  We can only find out when Phase 2C ends after this Friday.

We track the difference in applications between 2022 and 2021 in the 2022-2021 column.

Finally the By Cohort column refers to the difference in cohort size this year compared with last year.  So Ang Mok Kio Primary lost 30 seats this year compared to last year, while Bukit View Primary had a bumper increase of 60 places this year.

We will continue to update this article every day as results starts trickling in.

Wed 27/07/2022