5 Types of Scholarships for Study in China

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

Are you looking to further your studies in China?

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You will be glad to know that there is a variety of scholarships on offer to international students. Securing one will not only make your studies more affordable it will also enhance the experience as an undergraduate or postgraduate in China.

As China has invested heavily in its higher educational institutions and course offerings in recent years, the central government and local governments as well as major Chinese universities have launched several scholarships to attract the best talents from around the world to live and study in China.

Here are the main types of scholarships you can consider applying for. 

1. Chinese Government Scholarships

Chinese Government Scholarships, also known as China Scholarship Council Scholarships, are on offer for various universities and programmes to attract the best students to the country.

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It is one of the most prestigious scholarships available and is administered by the State. They offer full coverage, including tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses in various degrees. As such, you can also expect with fierce competition and strict academic requirements.

The application period typically runs from early January to April of each year.

2. Local Government Scholarships (city or province)

SG successLocal Government Scholarships are offered by provincial and city governments in China. The award may not be as extensive as Chinese Government Scholarships, but there are scholarships available in key cities and provinces such as Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, and Zhejiang.

If you are keen on a particular university in a Chinese province or city, this scholarship category may be the right choice for you.  

3. Confucius Institute Scholarships

SG successThe Confucius Institute Scholarship programme was established by the Confucius Institute Headquarters to attract students from around the world to pursue Chinese language studies or conduct research on Chinese culture.

This scholarship provides free tuition, basic accommodation, basic medical insurance and living expenses for international students to study in China. 

To apply, you should contact your local Confucius Institute early in the year (around January or February) and find out the information surrounding university eligibility and the application process. 

4. University Scholarships

As the competition for global talents intensify, many of the country’s top universities have launched their own scholarship programmes.

SG SuccessTo find out if you are eligible to apply, you will need to check the website of your university of choice and apply directly through your university. Most websites will have a section detailing information on the various scholarships available.

5. Study in Asia Scholarship Programme

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The Study in Asia Scholarship is a full scholarship programme established by the Ministry of Education of China. It aims to attract the most deserving students in Asia to its shores, and to enhance understanding and cooperation among people in Asia.

The China Scholarship Council also manages the selection of this scholarship programme.

Some tips on how to secure a scholarship:

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  • Start researching on the scholarships available early, whether it is a Chinese Government Scholarship or one offered by your university of choice.
  • First decide on your university and course of choice, before deciding on which scholarship to apply for. Your scholarship application is not guaranteed to be successful, but entering the course of study that you are most suitable for and interested in will enhance your chances.
  • Some people may find the scholarship application process frustrating. If you need expert advice or a helping hand, the team at Singapore Success Stories will be happy to assist you.

Singapore Success Stories has been helping Singaporean students gain placement in universities and educational institutions abroad successfully. We offer a holistic approach that covers pre-programme preparation, applications, test preparation, and post-acceptance academic support. We also enjoy strong working relationships with over 300 educational institutions in China.

If you’re keen to find out more about pursuing further studies in China, click HERE now!

Mon 07/01/2019