5 Unforgettable Ways To Celebrate The End Of Exams

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Exams are over: what’s next? There’s no better time to put aside all academic concerns and focus solely on the emotional well-being of your child. Try these simple but meaningful post-exam activities, which are guaranteed to bring cheer! 


Play With Colour

“Colour fights,” inspired by the Indian festival of colours known as “Holi,” are perfect celebration activities. All you need is an empty field, preferably in proximity to a public bathroom for washing up, and willing friends to throw or smear colour on one another in the name of fun.

Having hosted two colour fight parties myself, I can vouch for the thrill factor—it’s a chance for grown-ups to let loose as well. 

For child-safe colours, I have used face paints, as well as edible colours such as tomato sauce, coffee, and turmeric powder. As an added precaution, younger children can wear swimming goggles to protect their eyes.

Plan A Camping Adventure

Most parents who aren’t outdoor enthusiasts would be intimidated by the prospect of planning a camp. Having fielded numerous questions from her parent network, blogger mum and experienced camper Pamela Tan took it upon herself to write a “Camping In Singapore” post to encourage more parents to set up camp with their children.

 “[Camping] reminds us that nature has a lot to offer, if only we’d pay attention to it,” says Pamela. “Each camping trip is such a treat for [my kids]… they have so much fun with their friends that they do not even complain about stuff they might usually complain about… [such as] no air-conditioning, no gadgets, no TV.”

donut worry

Spring A Mail Surprise

This is an idea borrowed from a friend: post a request on social media, asking your family and friends to send notes of love and encouragement to your child via snail mail.

My friend made this request for her 12-year-old daughter, who was thrilled to open the mailbox each day to find a letter addressed to her. On days when she felt unmotivated or discouraged, these mails provided a much-needed source of comfort.

Go On A Treasure Hunt

No plans for a family holiday? There’s plenty of opportunity for discovery right here in Singapore. Read our guide to five treasure hunts that the whole family will enjoy, complete with links to maps and other resources.  

 michael parzuchowski

Bond Over Games

Inspired by other gaming families, I bought a card game recently and my family has set aside 20 minutes after dinner every night for the game—my kids are relishing our new routine.

When you play with children, it’s inevitable that you will deal with sore losers, but children will learn to manage their emotions in time. Our game serves multiple functions as it also hones decision-making and math skills, and more important, it’s easy to grasp and fun to play.

Contributed by Evelyn, a freelance writer and parent blogger. Photo credits: Himanshu Singh Gurjar (play with colour), PC Lee (mail surprise), Michał Parzuchowski (bond over games).
Tue 10/10/2017