A first-timer’s guide to an enjoyable KidZania outing

Submitted by Ee Leng Chong

After spending two full days at KidZania, my family picked up quite a number of useful tips which we would like to share with other parents. Here are some ways you can make your trip to KidZania more enjoyable and expect to earn more KidZos at the centre.

1. Purchase your tickets online 

The walk-in entrance fee is RM75 for kids (4 to 17 years old), RM38 for toddlers (2 to 3 years old) and adults. However, we will usually purchase the tickets online in advance so that we can enjoy 10% discount off the entrance fee.


2. Plan your visit 

Try to plan your visit to KidZania during off-peak periods. Avoid Singapore and Malaysia school holidays if possible and go on a weekday instead of weekends. We have tried going on weekends and ended up having to join long queues for the sessions. The queue for the fire fighter and pilot can take up to more than an hour during peak periods. The child will have very limited time to work in the different stations. To maximise the day in the centre, we will also check KidZania’s opening hours here.


KidZania City Map Ground Level 

Photo: KidZania Kuala Lumpur

KidZania City Map Upper Level

Photo: KidZania Kuala Lumpur

3. Plan the stations in advance 

My son will look at the map and plan which stations to go before entering the centre. He will usually queue at the popular stations like fire fighter and pilot first when we reach. As mentioned above, the queue for these popular stations can take more than 60 minutes. We also realise that one of the tactic is to go to the stations on the second level for the first half of the day and ground level for the second half of the day as some of the kids, especially those on school visits, are only at the centre for first half of the day. These groups of kids will usually start with the ground level first.


4. Select jobs that pays well 

Besides planning the stations using the map, my son will also choose to work at stations with jobs that pay well. Some of the jobs like being a dentist, courier, transporting of KidZos and pilot pay more KidZos than other jobs. By working in stations that has shorter queues, shorter duration and pay higher, the kid can maximise that day and visit more stations and earn more KidZos.


5. Baby facilities 

For families with babies or toddlers, you can bring them to the fully equipped baby room so that they will be occupied and not fuss while the older children are enjoying themselves at KidZania. The baby room has quite a number of activities to keep the toddlers entertained such as bouncing on an inflatable bed and playing soft balls in a bath tub. There are also diaper changing area, breastfeeding room and hot water for preparing milk for the babies and toddlers.

6. Parents’ lounge 

When the kids are having an enjoyable time all by themselves, the parents can rest and relax at the exclusive parents-only lounge. Kids are not allowed at the lounge. Besides a place to sit and watch television programmes, there are massage chairs, beverages and snacks available for purchase there.


7. Get the kids to prepare food and drinks just before meal times

The kids can use their KidZos to buy food and drinks such as burger, tuna puff, Oreo cookies, chocolates, Vitagen and mineral water. We got our son to go to these stations to learn how to prepare the food he wanted to eat for his meals. He is always so proud to eat the food prepared by himself that he will ensure that even the last bit of the food is not wasted.

Photo: KidZania Kuala Lumpur

8. B.KidZanian Passport

There are a number of ways to earn more KidZos besides working in jobs that pay well. We actually signed our son up for the KidZania CitiZenship Program known as B.KidZanian, which allowed my son to receive a PaZZport with a special hologram sticker at each of the KidZania outlet he visited. When he visited the stations, he would receive a stamp and either earn more KidZos for the jobs he completed or get discounts for the services he needed to pay with his KidZos. The more stamps he had, the more benefits he enjoyed, such as discounts at the KidZania national store and privileges like sitting next to the driver of the fire fighter if he became an Honourable CitiZen. There are different levels of B.KidZanian CitiZenship from Naturalized CitiZen to Distinguished CitiZen to Honorable CitiZen. The higher level of CitiZenship will enable the kid to enjoy better benefits. More benefits of the CitiZenship Program can be found here


9. Benefits of buying an insurance 

Another way of earning more KidZos is to go to the insurance station and purchase an insurance policy. The insurance policy entitled my son to earn more KidZos at some of the stations such as being an optician or paramedic. Kids can apply for different insurance policies to enjoy different privileges at different stations.


10. Requirements to drive a car 

We also realised my son had to apply for an insurance policy before he could apply for a licence to drive the car in KidZania. Moreover, he also needed to fulfil other requirements such as passing the eyesight test at the optician and passing the simulation test at the car simulation station to apply for the car licence.


11. Photo Passes

My son received nice personalised passes with his photos taken on the spot at some of the stations after he completed the jobs. Some examples are tax officer, insurance policy, and more. He was very proud of his photo passes and kept them together with his PaZZport and KidZos in the plastic pass-holder he carried with him throughout his stay at KidZania.


12. Memorable takeaways

Besides personalised photo passes, kids will receive memorable takeaways at some of the stations such as sewing, art and crafts, painting, jewellery making, etc. For an additional fee, paid with KidZos, at these stations, he was taught on how to do the jobs and got to take away the masterpieces he did at these stations.

13. KidZania Departmental Store 

At the end of the day, my son used his accumulated hard-earned KidZos to reward himself by redeeming for a toy at the KidZania Departmental Store. This was done by going to the Departmental Store himself, then choosing his toy and making payment personally as adults are not allowed into the Departmental Store. Minimally 100 KidZos are required to redeem a toy.


14. Depositing KidZos in the bank 

My son had some KidZos remaining after redeeming his toy from the Departmental Store, so he saved them in the KidZania bank. We opened an account for him to deposit his KidZos so that he will not lose them when he leaves KidZania. He was given an ATM card to withdraw the KidZos conveniently when he needs them another time.


15. Culture and language 

KidZania has its own culture and language to engage the kids during their visits. The KidZania staff will communicate with the my son using their language such as “Kai” for “hello”, “Kal” for “friend”, “Z-U’ for “see you“ and “Zaz” for “wow”. We notice that our son keeps using these terms even with his friends after our trip to KidZania.


By following some of the tips mentioned above, we hope that the visit to any of the KidZania outlets, including the upcoming Singapore KidZania will be more fruitful and enjoyable for the parents and the kids.


You can visit KidZania websites for more detail:

KidZania Singapore – http://www.kidzania.com.sg

KidZania Kuala Lumpur – http://www.kidzania.com.my


Related article:

Taking an adult job for a day at KidZania


Wed 19/08/2015