Application for NUS/NTU Medicine

Submitted by Chu Lih Kwek


Sunny_19708 wrote: 
09 May 2022 09:44

Any DD/DS placed under NTU medicine “wait list” converted into “offer”?

As long as your DS/DD is in waitlist, there is a chance. The waitlist is based on how they are ranked.

For NTU, if i remember correctly, last year wait list was 29th April and also some received later i believe. Around by 25 June, you will receive a rejection letter if you did not get it. Those who did not get it stands a chance till late July it seems. The wait can be nail biting especially closer to date. Every parent and child wants the best for their kids.

The movement was not much probably less students were able to go overseas with government scholarships.

Moving forward, those who are in NS, if you are on 1 yr 10 months NS and Jan batch, make use of the last year BMAT. Do your revision and score well and look for internship or projects related to medical field. If you are waitlist this year does not mean next you will be automatically in for the interviews, etc. I got to agree that applying NTU and NUS after A level may not be the best unless you have a rock solid results for guys. If your BMAT taken during A level is not good, take again and apply for the following year. Results based application with good BMAT score pretty much secure a MMI place.

Do your research on schools and requirements early. If you have friends or seniors there, you should contact them to find out more.

At 18, you may not really know. But by 20, you should know what you want.

The following blog tells a lot on the struggles of a Medical student. Emotionally, mental and physical. Very much for those who likes to run ahead always, do pace out. You don’t want to get a burn out and you will say no to the work and you will start to drag your feet. Refresh and renew and you will be fine. … f-part-12/

Another good read … 177369a3b7

If your family has the financial capability, of course you can try Overseas. UK has 5 yrs and 6yrs medical courses. Fees ranges from 35K to at least 55K pounds. Staying cost depends and you need to pay for NHS medical. I would definitely buy extra insurance if my kids study overseas as NHS is very much like singapore, unless it is extremely urgent, you need to queue. If you are considering to take the Singapore Government Grant it appears to be 50K to 150K max based on merit and interview (based on website thus cannot say easy to get it or not) and a bond is needed to be served … ment-grant

Those receiving a 1-year grant will serve for 3 years, while those receiving a 2-year and 3-year grant will serve for 4 years.
The service period will include the 1-year PGY1 which is served locally.

There is a Lee foundation financial aid but it is for family income below 1.9K.

It seems that there is a NHS grant per year but i could not find it.

There is another option is to into a recognised medical school and get a transfer. Again this is based on merit.
Please note that NUS has a residency requirement of 50%, so transfer students must spend at least three years in the medical school at NUS, no matter how many years they have already completed elsewhere. For more information, please click here.

transfer vacancies are only available for Year 2 and Year 3

Bond still needed to be served. … -medicine/

Mon 09/05/2022