Caring for the Exceptional Child

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

Parenting a child is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks we may encounter in our lives. Every parent aspires for greatness in his or her kids. However, the development pace varies from one individual to another. It is vital to understand that children with development delays or special needs require professional help to make progress in the physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains.

“Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write and count. Childhood is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace which is right for each individual child.”

Who We Are

A strong believer in the holistic development of a child, we adopt an active learning approach whereby kids are exposed to authentic materials and structured activities that encourages positive behaviour.

Captain Panda EIC Team consists of:

  • Early Intervention Programme & Enrichment Programme Teachers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech & Language Therapists
  • Consulting Psychologist
Our Programmes

1. Early Intervention Programme (EIP)

We serve children aged from 18 months to 7 years old who have been diagnosed/suspected with one or more disabilities. Daily programme is available and children will be occupied with different activities everyday throughout the week. For 2 or 3 days a week Programme, specific days will be assigned for the child to attend. Each session lasts 1 hour 45 minutes. Speech and Occupational Therapy sessions are included in all EIP programmes. The student-teacher ratio is 3:1.

Our intervention approach is a combination of Activity Based Intervention (ABI) and Structured Teaching (TEACCH). Individualised Education Plan (IEP) for each child involving intervention within an activity-based environment will be developed. Each child’s outline goals and objectives are developed by the teachers, therapists in collaboration with parents to address skill deficits and build school readiness.Planned interventions are performed to increase the child’s emerging skills with regular evaluations completed by our EIP team members throughout the intervention period.

2. Enrichment Programme (Half/Full Day) 

  • Unable to work as there’s no alternate care?
  • Existing teachers are unable to handle your child in school?
  • Looking for smaller teacher-student ratio?
  • No idea how to teach your child a certain skills?
  • School holiday is here and looking for holiday programme?

If you are checking one or more of the boxes above, we have good news for you!

Our Enrichment Programme is catered to provide developmental support for children with learning needs and to provide support for working parents. We are able to take in children aged from 3 to 12 years old. The programme consists of daily routines and activities that will allow your child to work on and further enhance skills in the 6 domains.Due to most dietary requirement for each individual, we are not able to cater to each child’s need. Parents are encouraged to pack lunch to school, food will be warmed up before serving.

Emergency Care and Holiday Programme are available to public under ad-hoc basis.

We are open almost all year round except Eve of Chinese New Year, Teacher’s Day, Children’s Day and last two weeks of December.

Programme Structure

  • Larger group sessions involving IEP / homework coaching within an activity based environment in a mixed group setting
  • Developing essential life skills and promote self-independence such as feeding and dressing self
  • Group activities to strengthen child in 6 domains

Half and Full Day Programme are available for Enrichment Programme.

  • Half Day (AM): 8 am to 1 pm
  • Half Day (PM): 1 pm to 6 pm
  • Full Day: 8 am to 6 pm

Parents’ Testimonials

Teachers are passionate; it’s a pleasure to see J growing up so well at Captain Panda. We would like to thank all Teachers & management for being so supportive as well as efforts to understand my child and work with him most effectively. (Parent of 5 years old boy)

We have seen great improvement from my daughter since she went to Captain Panda. She is now talking more, singing and responding more when we call her name. She can do tabletop activities, stay focus and listen during story time. She can also climb steadily in ropes and rocks with her hands and feet. Thanks to Captain Panda team! (Parent of 3 years old girl)

Our boy, who entered K1 in 2017 was lagging far behind his peers in interaction, communication, writing, toilet time and cries occasionally when going to kindergarten. We researched for an early intervention programme and found Captain Panda, spoke and discussed with their founders, Keith and Jess and enrolled him for EIP and EN in mid-October 2017. It has been six months into the programme and our child has made a tremendous improvement in the segments he was lagging in and it brought out his hidden talents and intellect in the process. He is now able to catch up with his peers and show excellence as six years old.  (M’s Mummy, 2018)

If you’re lost or not sure what should be the next step, we offer free consultation& advice with no obligations.We hope to render our assistance to as many families as possible.

Enrolment Offer for Members of KiasuParents for 2019 (Quote: KIASUPARENTS)

  • Waiver of registration fees ($214)& material fees ($10.70/mth) for 6 months
  • 10% off of programme fees for first 3 months


Mon 03/12/2018