5 Considerations in Choosing a Meaningful Space For Your Child’s After-school Hours

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

As a working parent, you’re concerned about how your young children occupy their after-school hours before family supervision is available at evening time. Enrolling them in a student care centre ensures that they’ll get some form of adult attention in the afternoons but will they be meaningfully engaged and is it worth the time and resources invested?

Out of Box Academy (OBA) provides a meaningful environment to help busy parents nurture their children through their after-school hours. This leaves you with more precious family time for bonding and fun!

Addressing 5 major concerns that many parents have when looking for a suitable student care centre, OBA gives the assurance that your child will not only be spending after-school hours meaningfully but will also improve in academic results, discipline, social skills and more.

#1 I want my child to do his homework diligently in the afternoons and not procrastinate till late at night. Preferably a teacher can be on hand to guide him.

At OBA, teachers will provide guidance and supervision to help students with their daily homework.

Having previously built and run a popular tuition and enrichment brand, OBA’s founders, who are also ex-MOE teachers, know what it takes to assist your child to succeed academically. Providing guidance and supervision to every child’s daily homework, the teachers will encourage students to gain confidence and responsibility towards their homework.

And when homework is duly completed at the student care centre, your child can catch up on other activities when they get home in the evening. This means more quality time for family bonding or more time for rest or sleep instead of fretting over unfinished homework.

#2 What more can the teachers offer in terms of nurturing my child to learn?

Should your child fall back in school, specialised academic programmes and teachers are in place to help them regain their footing and keep up with what’s being taught in school. Students can also sign up for extra tuition for any specific subject(s), if required.

But more than just helping with homework, OBA’s hallmark after-school curriculum is designed to enrich every student for the 21st century. Programmes for all OBA students are conducted in bite-sized daily activities from reading and writing, mandarin mastery, current affairs, technology and presentation skills.

#3 I’m worried that the environment at the student care centre isn’t conducive for my child, especially if he’s going to be spending multiple hours there each day.

Each of OBA’s 34 islandwide centre locations is catered to your child’s holistic development. Bright and airy spaces are clearly segregated for learning, fun and creativity. Students can do their homework without disturbance in quiet study areas or have positive interactions with teachers in a non-intimidating, homely environment. They can relax with games and toys at the play areas or indulge in a good read at the library.

On average, there are 30 students per centre, with one teacher giving close attention to around 10 students each.

As students from different schools come together at the centre, your child will get to nurture new friendships and boost social skills.

#4 We hope our child will still get a balanced diet even though we can’t personally prepare his mid-day meal. 

Students are served a variety of nutritious, balanced and freshly prepared meals that are low in sodium and sugar and without processed foods. Feedback is also conducted to ensure that meals are palatable for your little ones.

#5 Play time inevitably means screen time for my child. I wish he can be engaged in a more diverse range of activities.

Lest you think that students only get outdoor activity, say at the basketball court near the student centre, OBA’s range of activities can offer so much more. It partners with PeopleUp Singapore for exciting and exclusive edutainment experiences, sports and holiday programmes such as urban farming, sports, design thinking, robotics and more!

These out-of-class programmes are routinely scheduled and students can choose their preferred outings, with feedback regularly obtained from both students and parents to better cater to their needs.

For example, some of the school holiday activities that have been conducted based on students’ and parents’ votes include Little Farm Explorers Urban Farm Tour, BloopBloop Net Fishing & Aquatic Learning Experience and Dragon Kiln Pottery Experience.


Find an Out of Box Academy near you and sign up now for 2023/2024 enrolment at http://outofbox.com.sg/. Families who sign up during this period will receive up to $2,000 off your first term!

Wed 25/10/2023