Learn Mandarin Through Current News: The Queueing Phenomenon 时事漫画

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Current News

(shí) (shì) (màn) (huà)(pái) (duì) (chéng) () (guàn)

Learn Mandarin through Current News: The Queueing Phenomenon

() (luó) (bo) (xiān) (sheng) (zuì) (jìn) () (shàng) (le) (pái) (duì)(mǎi) (fáng) (yìn) (huā) (shuì) (shàng) (tiào)() (lián) () () (xīn) (kāi) (shòu) (lóu) (pán) (dūn) (shǒu)(yōng) (chē) (zhèng) (COE)(jiàng) (jià)() () (hào) () (qiǎng) (pái)(pái) (duì) (pái) (chéng) (le) () (guàn)(jìng) () () (guàn) () () (de) (lǎo) (péng) (yǒu) (liú) (lián) (wàng) () (qiǎng) (shǒu)(jìng) () (yào) (pái) (duì) (cái) (néng) (jiàn) (shàng) () (miàn) (le)

Mr Carrot has been fancying queueing recently. He queues overnight for new condo sales launches knowing that the stamp duty is going to increase; he queues for COE when the price keeps dropping. When it comes to catching up with his old friend, Mr Durian, he suddenly feels strange to have to queue again!


(jiǎng) (xiào) (guī) (jiǎng) (xiào)() (zhě) (zài) (zhè) () () (xǐng) () (jiā)(pái) (duì) (hěn) (fēng) (kuáng)(gòu) () () (jǐn) (shèn)(suī) (rán) (hǎo) (kāng) (hěn) (yòu) (rén)(dàn) () (yào) (zuò) (quán) () (kǎo) () ,“(mǎi) (mǎi) (mǎi)(shì) (fǒu) (shì) () ()

Jokes aside, this writer would like to remind readers that queuing can get crazy and purchases should be done wisely. Even though the “lobang” (good deals) is very attractive, buyers should consider whether a purchase is necessary.


() (jìng)(pái) (duì) (huàn) (lái) (de) (jié) (guǒ) () (jǐn) (shì) (jīn) (qián) (de) (zhī) (chū)(hái) (yǒu) (xiāo) (hào) (diào) (de) (shí) (jiān)(lěng) (jìng) (xià) (lái)(jiāng) (pái) (duì) (de) (dòng) () () (pái) (duì) (de) () (chū) () () ()() (xuǎn) () () ()

After all, the result of queueing not only means forking out money, but it is also time consuming. So why not take a step back and ponder what is more important? The impetus for queuing or the effort incurred?


(xīn) (wén) (guān) (jiàn) ()

Current News Key Words


(rén) (shān) (rén) (hǎi) (zhǐ) (rén) (qún) () (shān) () (hǎi)(xíng) (róng) (rén) () () () (fēi) (cháng) (duō)

() (jiān) (jiē) (zhǒng)(jiān) (pèng) (zhe) (jiān)(jiǎo) (pèng) (zhuó) (jiǎo)(xíng) (róng) (rén) (duō) (yōng) ()

(yìng) (jiē) () (xiá) (xíng) (róng) (lái) (rén) (huò) (shì) (qing) (tài) (duō)(yìng) () () (guò) (lái)


(liǎo) (jiě) (shí) (shì)(kuài) () (xīn) (wén)

Current News through Reading


(wéi) (fáng) () (chǎn) (shì) (chǎng) (jiàng) (wēn) (zhèng) () (tiáo) (gāo) (é) (wài) (mǎi) (fāng) (yìn) (huā) (shuì) 5%

Singapore raises buyer’s stamp duty rates by 5% to cool housing market


(yōng) (chē) (zhèng) (chéng) (jià) (quán) (miàn) (xià) (huá) (sān) () (chē) () (bié) (chuàng) () (nián) (lái) (xīn) ()

COE prices fall to 8-years new low


(māo) (shān) (wáng) (liú) (lián) (gōng) (guò) () (qiú) (jià) () (chuàng) (liǎng) (nián) (xīn) ()

Durian prices plunge amid supply glut from Malaysia

Contributed by Alice Yu

Wed 18/07/2018