Five Reasons Why Parents Should Use A Digital Time Capsule

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

As parents, you have a limited time to spend on many tasks. Every situation is uniquely different, but in many cases, a digital time capsule can be really handy in parenting. Here are five reasons parents today should use a Digital Time Capsule, which allows users to send scheduled message to a designated individual at their comfort and convenience.

Collective Wisdom from Both Times

Remember the multiple ‘high-level’ closed door meetings with your mother (and in-laws) over the use of pacifiers, over the relevance of ‘Sarongs’, and many other alien baby products that never existed in your childhood? You might want to pass all this “know-how” in bringing up a child to your future generation through a Digital Time Capsule, For parents, it is like opening the doorway that connects the ideal parenting style across time and generations. Because there is so much wisdom in play, the best thing to do is to make sure your child doesn’t lose out in time to come.

Care for Your Children the Best Way You Can

Your action plan boils down to five simple words, ‘The Best Way You Can’. Parenting today has changed from how it was in the past. Factoring the environment, societal constraints, and every other complications of your time, it is essential for your child to acknowledge that you had given him nothing but your very best.

Instill Character, Virtues and Morals

Certainly, even we adults sometimes struggle with whether ‘to do the right thing, or to do things right’. Critical reasoning can only be effectively learned and applied when the brain is readily developed for that cognitive function – which could mean many years from now, when your child gets older. Plan ahead and be very patient.

Keeping the Milestones in Check

The Internet has brought us together, and yet it tears us apart. Remember the good old times when our parents were so occupied and your birthday passed with a belated wish few days later? Often times, you missed sending your wishes to a loved one on the ‘important dates’ because of work commitments and limitations (unable to use mobile phone etc). In military terms, some say ‘the war is over’. And yes, you can never have that moment back. You are indebted.

Your Words Becomes Their Inner Voice

Our brain develops over time. The same word to a 5 years old will mean differently to your child when he turns 18. Like our parents before, their voice guided how we navigate through our childhood, and their words changed the way we lead our lives.


ZinniaAfternote Digital Time Capsule is a free service that connects the best parenting advice across generations. For parents today, it is worthwhile to let your child know that you gave nothing but your very best. If you’re planning to make a time capsule for your baby, make sure you have a valid email address for him/her so that the sacred letter can reach him/her in the near future.

Tue 10/04/2018