Does Music Really Make Your Child Smarter?

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

The answer is an overwhelming YES!
Research by psychologists at the University of Zurich has found that learning to play a musical instrument can boost brain development by increasing your IQ by as much as seven points. Recent studies have also suggested that children who received musical training showed improved verbal intelligence.
Parts of the brain used during music lessons – those that control motor skills, storing audio
information, hearing, and memory – become larger as a result of learning an instrument! In turn, this enhanced brain development also improves daily actions such as vigilance, alertness, emotional perception, and planning.


Learning to play an instrument not only boosts music and brain development but also improvement in children’s overall attitude – it teaches children to be more self-disciplined and attentive. These are all traits that contribute to improvement in academic performance, as well as extracurriculars such as sports activities. 
We fundamentally believe that learning a musical instrument can have a tremendous number of benefits later in your life, even if you choose a completely different profession. Many of the world’s greatest minds and leaders, such as Albert Einstein, Condoleezza Rice (former US Secretary of State), and recent Nobel Laureate (Nobel Prize for Medicine 2013) Dr. Thomas Sudhof all emphasise how important learning a musical instrument was to achieving their great successes.

The good news is, however, that the benefits of music lessons are not only applicable to those who start young – adults can experience in brain development!
The same research team from Zurich also found that even those past the age of 65 who would start playing an instrument and practice an hour a week for four or five months exhibited ‘strong changes in the brain.’

Why not give music lessons a try?

Aureus Academy offers music lessons across a wide variety of instruments. We currently have 10 locations across the island in addition to providing Home Lessons for those who prefer the convenience of lessons in your very own home! As with every one of our schools, you/your child will have the chance to learn in state-of-the-art facilities with qualified teachers. Regular performing opportunities are provided in our 5 beautiful recital halls.


We believe that lessons should be engaging, fun and rewarding. The best way to conduct such lessons is through one-on-one settings. Through such settings, lessons can be tailored to engage each student in a way that suits their learning style and interests.

We believe this is the best environment to instil a love for music while developing fundamental skills such as technique, posture and focus.

>> Start your musical journey today and sign up for your free trial with us.


Aureus Academy is Singapore’s fastest growing music school with over 5,000 students enrolled between our 10 centres. We specialise in providing individually tailored piano, violin, guitar, and vocal lessons to students of all ages and abilities.




Mon 22/07/2019