A Mother’s Account: What To Do When Fever In Kids Escalates Into Seizures

Submitted by KiasuEditor

It all started with fever, the type that could be treated with a little paracetamol, or so Mom thought.

Unfortunately for May, a SAHM and a member of the Singapore Mom Bloggers group, two of her children’s bouts of high temperatures turned out to be more severe than just the regular viral infection.

In a short span of one day, May’s family had to go through the ordeal of dealing with two medical emergencies consecutively. The first one was when her daughter started having difficulty in breathing and was later diagnosed with Croup, a virus that made her airway swell. Later the same day, May’s other child suffered a febrile seizure attack triggered by high fever and had to be sent to the A&E in an ambulance.


Below is an excerpt of May’s account about the harrowing experience:

It was all in a day’s work. 19th of June 2017, Monday, Black Monday. I mark this day with a black splotch of ink and wish no one will ever experience what I had today.

My Monday started with Faye not being able to breathe. She cried for Mommy to pick her up from bed with all the voice she could possibly garner. Faye lost her voice on Sunday and was not speaking much. Even if she could, we had to place our ears next to her mouth to make out what she was trying to say. Ewan had been running to our room in the middle of the night to inform me, “妹妹 needs you” whenever she had difficulties breathing. What a bro!

It was 0430 hours and we decided to send her to Gleneagles Walk-In Clinic to have her checked.

Read the full story on May’s blog, A Million Little Echoes, here.
Tue 27/06/2017