Happy Environment Happy Kids: The Giving Treehouse Student Care Centre

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

Looking for a student care centre in the eastern part of Singapore? Read on to find out what a local mummy blogger thinks about The Giving Treehouse Student Care Centre.

Giving treehouse

Sprawling over a 62,200sqm site area is the Laguna Park where The Giving Treehouse Student Care Centre is located. The first impression I had when I visited the Centre was a sense of security since it is located inside a privatised HUDC compound. There is a guard house watching over visitors coming into the estate, and it is completely fenced up, so children are free to play in the greenery with no worries of traffic and strangers approaching them. Because it is nestled in a private estate, it is also quieter, making the environment conducive for learning. I already liked the location before I even stepped into the Centre.

As I stepped into the Centre, I was warmly welcomed by Sandy. Immediately, the 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey (son of Stephen Covey, who is the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) pinned on the wall near the entrance caught my attention. Sandy was quick to observe that and she swiftly sat me down and explained to me the Centre’s philosophy.

The Centre uses the 7 Habits of Happy Kids to coach the children in their daily lives. For example, when 2 children quarrelled over a toy, the coach will use Habit #5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood and Habit #4 – Think Win Win to mediate. Whenever the children start doing their homework, the coach will remind them on Habit #2 – Begin with the End in Mind. She said, constant practice of these 7 habits will help mould the children’s character, build better habits and fine-tune their behaviours. I couldn’t agree more.

As I toured around the Centre, I noticed this auntie who was preparing food. Sandy then brought up that the Centre has an in-house local auntiewho prepares lunch and snacks for the children. They do that to ensure the meals are well-planned and nutritious (the Centre serves fruits every day, btw). This auntie also helps to clean up the Centre, ensuring the overall cleanliness. This is a bonus, for I know some Centres have lunch outsourced, snacks are just processed food like biscuits, cookies and titbits, and the coaching staff have to double-up as cleaners to clean the Centre. Having clear and defined roles make everyone working here happier and each one can concentrate better on his/her core duties.

Giving treehouse

The Centre has 3 classrooms to house 15 children each, one for Primary 1 and 2, one for Primary 3 and 4, and one for Primary 5 and 6. There is also a spare room for ad hoc activities, and a separate dinning area. With my eyeball assessment, each classroom is about 30sqm, which is a decent size to house 15 children without feeling cramp. There is 1 coach in each classroom, helping the children with their school work. Every day, after lunch, the children will have a structured timetable to go through. Generally, they will be allocated 2 hours to do their homework and work given by the Centre (with guidance from their coaches), tea break, half an hour reading time and an hour of thematic programme (like art, current affairs, sports, etc) in the classroom or at the field just outside the Centre (still within the compound of Laguna Park).

Giving treehouse

Giving treehouse

Giving treehouse

As it gets common to having both parents working these days, other than leaving our children with helpers and grannies, the next best option is leaving them in a good Student Care Centre. I like what I saw in The Giving Treehouse – a secured compound to play in and a nurturing environment. If your children are studying around East Coast and that you are looking for a Student Care Centre, do contact The Giving Treehouse to arrange for a tour and a free 3-day trial. This is one of the best ways to assess if the centre is suitable for your children.

Giving treehouse

This coming 4-weeks June school holiday, The Giving Treehouse has a series of programmes to enrich the lives of the children. There will be interesting talks on the environment, meaningful activities like volunteering in a nursing home, be introduced to programming, an excursion, etc.
There are flexible options for everyone:

  • 3 full days
  • 5 half days
  • 5 full days at affordable rates from $180/week
Exclusive offer for KiasuParents readers:
– $50 fee waiver for 2020 registration by 1st Jul 2019
– Quote KiasuParents and get 10% off June holiday programme fees 

Giving treehouse

It is such a great relief for working parents to have their children engaged in meaningful activities like these during the school holidays. Less worry means more focus at work, it is a win-win for us, parents too. Do check out The Giving Treehouse facebook page for more details on their June school holiday programme or email them at: [email protected]

Mon 13/05/2019