School Holidays: Meaningful Activities For The Family

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Resources to help you create enduring memories with your children this holiday.


Grow & Learn

As with most hobbies, gardening creates conditions prime for life lessons, as success is contingent upon one’s commitment, patience, organisational skills, and willingness to respond to challenges by troubleshooting and finding novel solutions. If you’re an apartment dweller interested in having a family garden plot to call your own, check with the National Parks Board to see what’s available in your area, or enquire with any of the Residents’ Committees in your neighbourhood. 

Walk & Discover

Singaporean mum Catherine is on a personal mission to explore as many nature trails as she can, with her primary schooler and toddler in tow. If you hold similar aspirations, there is much you can glean from her blow-by-blow approach to journaling, through which she shares her family’s experiences at local nature destinations such as Hindhede Nature Park, Windsor Nature Park, and the Henderson Waves and Forest Walk.  

Sketchbook Project

Indulge Your Inner Artist

The Brooklyn Art Library is inviting people from all over the world to contribute to their travelling collection of sketchbooks, titled The Sketchbook Project. All are welcome to participate, including children, and a list of broad themes for the 2018 collection (e.g. “This is not what it seems,” and “No worries”) provides structure without stifling creativity. To sign up, register online for your sketchbook (at a basic cost of USD30), which will be assigned a barcode so it can be catalogued in the Brooklyn Art Library’s system. This will enable you to track your completed book’s location, and even its viewership statistics, after you’ve mailed it back to the library.

Party With The Community

Sandra, a Singaporean mother who “fully embrace[s] the idea of playing a local tourist at home,” has made a holiday tradition of scouring local listings for outdoor festival and event information, which she posts on her blog, along with kitchen and craft ideas.

Children's Season

Revel In New Experiences

KiasuParents has launched the inaugural issue of its print publication, the Family Activity Book, which includes a six-page guide to free activities for the school holidays. You may download or read the magazine online

Thu 01/06/2017