Life-Skills Day Camp – June Holiday Program

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

What are the benefits of a summer day camp?

Indeed, school holiday provides a good opportunity for children to revise and to ‘catch up’ with schoolwork.

However, having a short break from schoolwork allows them to unwind, recharge, and to be prepared for more challenges ahead. This break has shown to be profoundly healing and beneficial for the physical and psychological selves.

Day camp provides lots of moments for independent play among children, a crucial opportunity that overprotected urban children are often denied these days.  It also allows children to get connected with their peers in a more authentic way.


FRIENDS for Life
(7-9 years old)

2nd – 6th June

(12-16 years old)

9th – 13th June

FRIENDS for Life
(10-11 years old)

16th – 20th June

(12-16 years old)

23rd – 27th June


9am to 1pm

Why The Open Centre’s Day Camp?

The Open Centre’s Day Camp is about fun, connection, self-awareness, and self-expression!  Here, children and teenagers ages 8–16 get a real learning experience to practice their social skills through interactions with others and learn to problem solve.

The Open Centre takes a Child-centered approach and is committed to providing every child with a safe and nurturing environment to grow, and to learn essential life skills.  We believe in cultivating a generation of confident, compassionate and happy children.

We have adapted FRIENDS, our popular Social & Emotional Learning program that has more than 25 years of research and is World Health Organisation recognised, into a 5 -days camp!  While maintain the high quality of the program delivery, we have also packed in various indoors and outdoors activities for the children to learn, play and have fun.  

The camp is held in a secluded and green environment to allow our children to reconnect with nature!

What’s involved…

Our evidence based Friends program is developed to help children acquire important life skills such as:

  • Developing life-skills to effectively cope with difficult and/or anxiety-provoking situations
  • Normalising emotional states
  • Building emotional resilience and problem-solving abilities
  • Peer learning and building peer and other support networks
  • Resisting peer pressure
  • Be a positive person
  • Building self-confidence
  • Developing positive and constructive friendships
  • Communicating more effectively with parents, peers and teachers
  • Studying and organise themselves effectively
  • Being a compassionate leader
  • Relaxing and cope effectively with the challenges at school
  • Giving back to the community

Importance of life-skills

Extensive research indicates that emotional intelligence (EQ) and social intelligence (SQ) play important roles in the child’s personal, social and academic success.

To find out more, please visit our website at


Fri 25/04/2014