Looking forward to a good school year? Reorganise your home first!

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

How are things at home now that school’s in again? Has the routine of scavenging through a messy bedroom for misplaced textbooks and worksheets started again? Or is your child not getting enough rest when he/she comes home after a tiring day?

Here are some home improvement tips to make your home a more conducive environment for your children to meet the challenges of each school day. You’ll be surprised that a little tweak here and there can go a long way!

1) Keep study materials where they can easily be found

Are your child’s textbooks and study notes piling up like a mountain? Not having enough storage space can be a headache – not just because the mess is an eyesore but also because it will be difficult to find something when you need it.

Consider getting an open bookshelf to declutter your kid’s study area and to help him/her find things easily. One made from plywood and teak veneer (available at just $199 from Scanteak) is a more durable option compared to a chipboard bookshelf. Better yet, pick up a solid teak one at only $299.

2) Make having a tidy desk your child’s New Year resolution

When it’s time for homework, the last thing you want to see is you child wasting time looking for a missing pen or sheet of paper on a messy table. Get your child into the habit of filing notes neatly for easy reference and returning things where they belong after use.

If you’re looking for a new study table, choose one with drawers for kids to compartmentalise their study materials. Teak writing tables from Scanteak (starting from $229) are sturdy enough to see your kids from their primary school years, to tertiary age and even into adulthood!

3) Ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep

Research has proven that adequate sleep is important for a child’s performance and development, so do invest in quality bedding that will give your growing kid a good night’s rest. Scanteak offers comfy mattresses starting at $119 and durable bed frames from $249.

4) Parents, don’t forget to pamper yourselves too!

After a tiring day, a cosy and warm home is what we all look forward to! Take advantage of Scanteak’s Warehouse Sale from 20-21 January 2018 to give your home a makeover. Get up to 70% off with warehouse clearance deals and an extensive choice of exclusive teak furniture at their Trade Showroom! Bring your kids along and look forward to free food and games for them as well!

Catch the Scanteak Warehouse Sale on 20-21 January 2018 at 60 Sungei Kadut Drive, Singapore 729569. Opening hours: 10am – 7pm (Weekends)
For more, visit https://www.scanteak.com.sg/promotions/warehouse-sale.html

For enquiries: 63659121

Tue 16/01/2018