Singapore Kindness Run 2017: Your Child’s Running Start Towards Kindness

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

In the run up to the Singapore Kindness Run on 14 May 2017, Flying Cape interviews the Jeow family of runners.

Dad Jamin, Mum Wai Peng, Big Brother Ethan (P6) and Little Brother Joab (P4) share their running journey.


Daddy Jamin: We started running as a family 3 years ago.  I always go for a run twice a week and the boys wanted to join me.  Initially, they just tagged along but later they became more serious, more into the runs and everything took off from there.

Joab: I like the runs!  Running encourages me to push to my limits.

Ethan: I think the runs are good as they help me to keep fit, and also they help to relieve stress.  I like running because I can choose what I want to get for my timing and also I can transfer that thinking to my studies to get better grades.

(As both parents beam)

Flying Cape: Wow! Your parents must be really happy to hear that.  So Mummy, do you run along with the boys?

Wai Ping: Yes, I try to, but obviously they are faster and serious runners as well.

After some encouragement off camera (“it feels like boasting, I don’t like it” – Ethan), the boys share their run timings.

Ethan: I can run 3.6km now, in 18.52 mins – that was my first try and my best timing for now.  For the 2.4km, my best timing was 11.07mins, and I can do a max of 13 pull-ups at a go.

Joab: I can run 2.4km in 11.40 mins, and I can do 16 pull-ups. 

Flying Cape: The Singapore Kindness Run is coming up really soon – on 14 May 2017.  Any tips for other runners?

Joab: My tip is – you should be thinking that you are running down the slope so your strides will open up and your posture will change.

Ethan: Aim for a good timing before the 800m run.  If you can think it, you can surely achieve it.

Flying Cape: How has running been for you as a family?

Wai Ping: It has improved the family bonding as we run together and try to spur each other on.  After the run, we tell each other “good job”, or if somebody has a down day, we encourage each other not to give up.

Flying Cape: Yes, it certainly sounds like the family that runs together, stays together.

Jeows: See you at the Singapore Kindness Run!

Full video of the Jeow family interview here:


3 Great Reasons To Bring Your Family For The Singapore Kindness Run?

  1. Get Active


On your mark, get set, GO! You love running – this is a great chance to get junior started.

 2. Build Character


Look out for the experiential stations post-run for your children to learn about run etiquette.  Singa the Lion will be there for photo ops!

 3. Quality Family Time


Bond with your children at the beautiful Pasir Ris Park. Cheer them on as they run!

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Thu 20/04/2017