Special Moments With Stamford Catering

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

My new place is pretty much done up with some minor touch up and soft furnishing to be progressively carried out. AJ is most excited to move in but we will only do so when school holiday starts.SC1

Our favourite corner. We spent 80% of our waking hours at home in the living room,

so I want books and other reading materials to be very accessible.

I am still in the midst of filling up this space.

Experience told me it is better to do 2 moves than 1, to make packing and unpacking (and cleaning) less tedious. Having 2 moves is also better for the physical and mental well-being.

I had the first move beginning of November, and the second move is scheduled to be middle of this month. 


Because AJ’s birthday is on 5 Nov, and that we have already had the first move, we thought it may be good to hold a House Warming cum Birthday celebration with my sister’s family and some close relatives. Incidentally, Stamford Catering (halal-certified) has this Mini Take Away Buffet that comes with Christmas menu. So we had a House Warming, Birthday celebration and Christmas party all wrapped into one. 🙂

sc3 Stamford Catering’s Mini Take Away Buffet comes in cooler/warmer bags like this so that the food will be kept warm and desserts chilled before the guests arrive.

We prefer a mini buffet at home like this instead of having a normal buffet at our condo’s function room because we wanted it to be cosy and the chance to mingle with the guests. Besides, House Warming means invited guests should have a chance to tour around our newly renovated house. Having a mini buffet fits the intention neatly.

sc4Cutleries like spoon, fork, thongs, ladle, plates and bowls are all provided.
Napkins, thrash bag and disposable table cloth are also provided.

We had Deck The Halls Take-away @ $248+ per set which caters to 15 pax. Much to our pleasant surprise, the food came just half an hour before the guests arrived. So we didn’t have to leave the food there for long before we consumed it.


The quality of the food exceeded our expectations, despite it being a mini buffet. Here’s what adults like:


1. This Irish Lamb Stew has to be the top in our list. The lamb is soft and tender, and has absolutely no distinct gamey aroma that lamb usually has.


2. The Chicken and Mushroom Fricassee is well-received by both adults and children. I tend to believe that the stewed chicken and its stock play a great part in making this dish full of flavour.


3. This Baked Sole Fillet with Herb Breadcrumb and Creamy Spinach is well-liked by moms who believe children should eat more fish and spinach.


4. If you need a staple, this Salmon and Sakura Shrimp Fried Rice wins hands down. I have not tried frying rice with salmon but this dish proves that the medley of salmon and sakura shrimp can produce pretty amazing composition.

And these are what the children like:


1. Not surprising, of course, the Takoyaki Balls got almost all wiped out mainly by the kiddos. If you have kiddos in the party, don’t forget to add this dish in!


2. Kids love fried stuff, don’t they? This Crispy Torpedo Prawn satisfies them just right. AJ doesn’t like prawn, but he had second serving on this. Enough said?




How could a Christmas Party go without log cake and turkey? How could a Birthday celebration not have a cake? Well, we decided to double up the log cake as birthday cake as well. The boy is not complaining, so why not?



This Christmas Charcoal Log Cake ($38+) is super yummy! It is neither too sweet nor too creamy, everything is of its right balance. My niece who works in Human Resource department is now seriously considering ordering this log cake from Stamford Catering.


The Turkey Ham Platter is a head turner. Everyone asked me why didn’t I bring this out earlier. So sorry, I almost forgot all about it! Though the adults find it nice, we agree that it can be too peppery for young children. So parents with young kiddos do take note of that. You could slice the peppery top off and give your kids the rest.


Fellowshipping together over food is an important part of our life, it provides an opportunity to strengthen bond, catching up and building network. Cosy conversation over good food is just what we had wanted for this House Warming session, and Stamford Catering provided just that.

If you are considering catering for Christmas party or any party, Stamford Catering is giving 10% off the Christmas menu to you. Please use promo code 
MLBW10 to enjoy the discount. Promo code is valid till 30 Nov 2017 only.

Stamford Catering

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Mon 13/11/2017