Supercamp Singapore Dec ‘13

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

You don’t want your child to idle the holidays away. You don’t want them to spend all day  playing computer games, Facebooking – and letting their brains turn to mush. And, you’re worried about next year.

You don’t want it to be like this year again … or worse.

How do you help your child become MORE self-motivated to learn and study?

We at Supercamp Singapore have the answer.

>> Help Your Child INCREASE Their Self-Desire to Learn

We’ve worked with thousands of kids and hundreds of parents over the last 6 years, and we know the answer to helping your child succeed is NOT another tuition class.

Your child has enough tuition classes already!

What you need is to help them look inside and increase their self-desire to learn – and that never happens at a tuition class!

Here’s a simple story to illustrate:

It’s Christmas and you want your child to eat more.

Your child is not keen – so you nag them. Then you force them, then you hire someone else to cram it down their throats.

Your child fights every part of the way.

In the end, some food does go down but its a painful process for all – you and your child.  

And now, your child hates eating altogether!

Not a good outcome.

So how do we get our children to “eat” more?

Well, the answer is simple. They need first – a BIGGER appetite and hunger, then second – see the food as something that will satisfy their hunger.

This way, they come to the dinner table already hungry, and they proceed to eat up all the food – all with little nagging from you!

At Supercamp, we specialize in helping your child INCREASE their hunger for learning.

>> Here’s What Your Child Will Learn At Supercamp

#1. At our Dec Supercamp, we start by helping your child find their inner self-motivation for learning.

Every child has an inner drive for learning – its the same drive that makes them wake up early to practice guitar, softball, drawing, music and more.

We help them connect this drive to school and learning, so they realize learning can be just as fun.

Finally, they will be self-motivated to study!

#2. Second, we help strengthen their inner character.

Hardly anyone teaches this, which is why one parent told us – “This generation of kids are like glass children. One small mistake and they shatter into a thousand pieces.”

Your child will be the exception. We’ll teach them the 8 Keys of Excellence (traits all successful people have) and work with them so they adopt these into their everyday behavior.

We’ll also help them become more responsible – in learning and life. No more blaming and finding excuses!

#3. Third, we teach them modern learning methods so they read faster, remember more and write better. Your child will tap their creative genius to write better compositions, excel in project work and solve everyday problems quicker.

#4. Finally, we help your child build better relationships – with friends, YOU their parents and their teachers.

We teach them powerful communication tools that can be used in every social setting and guide them to better express themselves. No longer will they be shy or get into conflicts with their peers!

>> Testimonials

We’ve been around for more than a decade and we’ve established a reputation for delivering the best and most professional program for kids who want a breakthrough in school and life.

Hear from satisfied parents and delighted graduates!

We hope you gift your child the chance to experience our life-changing Supercamp program this December.

We do this only once-a-year, so if you miss out, its a full 365 day wait till next year.

Our camp will be held on Sunday, 1 Dec 2013.  To find out more about Supercamp Singapore’s December 2013 program, click on

If you want to speak to a “live” staff member, check out our sticky thread on KiasuParents’s Academic Learning and Enrichment forum, under “Brain Trainings and Thinking Skills”.


Wed 13/11/2013