The Importance of Father-Child Bonding

A generation ago, fathers were seen primarily as the bread winners and the disciplinarians.  But in the past several decades, the role of the father has evolved into a much more nurturing, tender, involved one, and while this is great news for overworked moms, research is showing that an involved father is also crucial to the healthy development of the child.  It is, admittedly, much easier for the baby and mother to form an early and deep bond; however, that only means that you need to dig a little deeper and try a little harder to find special ways and moments to show your baby that you love her and you’ll always be her daddy.  And this Father’s Day is the perfect time to start!

Recent studies have suggested that children whose fathers are actively involved with them from birth are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in exploring their surroundings, have better social connections with peers as they grow older, are less likely to get in trouble at home and at school, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Children with fathers who are nurturing, involved, and playful also turn out to have higher IQs and better linguistic and cognitive capacities.

The way that fathers play with their children can be important as well.  Fathers tend to spend more time in playful, physical activities with their children, which researchers believe helps children learn to regulate their emotions and resist the urge to act on aggressive impulses.  Fathers also tend to encourage independence and achievement, in contrast to the nurturing and protective nature of mothers, both of which play an important role in a child’s healthy development.

Father-child bonding is especially important to young girls.  The effect that fathers have on daughters is extremely strong, even more so than for boys.  When fathers interact with their daughters, those girls have higher self-esteem and go on to succeed in college.  In addition, girls learn from their fathers how they should expect to be treated by men and those with loving, attentive fathers are less likely to end up in violent or unhealthy relationships.  According to Phame Camarena, a researcher at Purdue University, "… a good predictor of an adolescent girl’s mental health is her relationship with her father."

So while Father’s Day is traditionally reserved for bestowing gifts on you, why not make Father’s Day a day to honor the important role you play in your child’s life by spending the day together.

For new fathers, now is the time, while your baby is new, to make the commitment to bond with him or her on a daily basis. It can make a profound difference in your child’s life.

Happy Fathers’ Day to all Daddies!


Happy Mama


Fathers Day

The natural blood relation child bonding that should happen between a mother and father and their kids. you can get here latest collection.

You are welcome.

You are welcome.

How lovely right? :)

How lovely right? 🙂

Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for sharing 🙂

Daddy's Girl

I know exactly watcha mean Happy Mama.. i’m Daddy’s girl..

Thanks Augmum. Yes, I've

Thanks Augmum. Yes, I’ve witnessed it personally… Not only on my dd but also on others that I know…

Happy mama, what a timely

Happy mama, what a timely article for Fathers’ Day. Thanks !!!

Yes, no doubt most people think that mothers are of more influential than fathers on children, however……research indicates that

– Girls with a father figure have higher self-esteem, and are more likely to get along with people and attend higher education.

– Girls with fathers who are actively involved in their life show higher English and math skills, as well as having a higher IQ.

– Girls with active dads tend to be more determined, more successful in school, more self-nurturing, more independent, accept challenges and are less likely to have abusive relationships.

– Dad’s that are loving tend to have daughters that are less likely to try drugs, and less likely to be truant or delinquent.

– Girls with a doting dad develop good mental health (no clinical depression, eating disorders, or chronic anxiety)

– Dads help daughters in expressing anger comfortably and appropriately—especially with men