Tips To Prepare For The O Levels & A Levels

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent


It is crunch time for all students with the examination period just around the corner but this is especially so for those preparing for their O and A Levels. As tensions run high and stress levels skyrocket, how can you help your child to prepare himself/herself better for the national exams?

Although students will be tested on everything that they have learnt since Secondary 1, preparation for the O-levels typically doesn’t start until the students are in their third year of secondary school. This implies that a student would usually have two years to fully prepare himself/herself for the national exams. Similarly, gearing up for the A-levels commence right from the time students enter Junior College.

It is crucial to have a concrete game plan to ensure that study time is fully optimised when studying for the national exams. Here are some useful tips on how students can prepare themselves better.

1. Seek help early

It is important to know one’s strengths and weaknesses, and by identifying which subjects one is weak in, one can seek assistance earlier to improve his/her grades in the respective subject(s).  Tuition, whether in a group or individually, can drastically help in boosting one’s grades as the student will be able to receive personalised assistance and have his/her queries answered more quickly.

Many tuition centres now offer O-level and A-level “crash courses” of varying duration to students who are looking to brush up on their weaker subjects in preparation for the national exams.

2. Form/Join study groups

Studying in groups helps to facilitate revision better as students are able to exchange answers and ideas with fellow classmates while studying. This approach is especially effective when they are revising for humanities subjects like Literature, History and General Paper, where critical and creative thinking are required. It provides students with the opportunity to discover new and better insights regarding various concepts and ideas that are different from their own.

Another benefit of studying together with friends would be the motivation and support students can receive during this stressful period. By working towards the same goal, students within a study group will be more inspired to study harder and smarter by sharing tips among themselves.

Despite its benefits, some students may still prefer studying on their own than with their friends. One should adopt effective study methods that best suit oneself.

3. Planning is key

Drawing up a study plan to ensure that students have sufficient time to go through each and every subject is very important. It is fundamental for students to allocate more revision time for their weaker subjects, while not forgetting to also study for subjects that they excel in.

4. Work on past exam papers

They say practice makes perfect. Attempting questions in the Ten Year Series is beneficial as it provides students not only with the opportunity to revise for their respective subjects but also gives them a better idea of what can be expected during the examinations.

5. Adopt good sleeping habits

If student are unable to get quality or sufficient sleep, then all the other tips covered in this article will not be effective at all. One’s brain regenerates during the time that the body goes into sleep mode and by resting the brain cells, a student will be better prepared for another day of studying.

“Sleep on it” – we’ve heard this many times but did you know that it actually helps the brain to retain information? According to research done by the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway University, when we sleep on new information, the brain can retain it more effectively. Therefore, students are encouraged to take study naps in between revision sessions for better learning.

Let KSP’s LearnConcierge help you


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Mon 27/08/2018