Unlock the Key to Successful Learning in Your Child’s Primary School Years

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

Have you thought about what helps a child to gain success in his primary school years?

Does it have to do with academic smarts or doing tons of drills and exercises?

As one of the top enrichment providers in Singapore, MindChamps has always been passionate about empowering children to learn better.

Through various research from our other programmes such as the Thinking Cap and the MindChamps Academy programme, we have developed a unique Primary Success Programme.

The Primary Success Programme gives children a stronger foundation in their four Primary subjects: English, Chinese, Mathematics and Science through a concept formation approach.   

Concept formation is a teaching approach that helps students build a clear understanding of concepts and ideas through studying a small set of examples of the concept. This approach enables students to recognise patterns, see sequences and make meaningful connections with the learning. As a result, students will have a better grasp of their subjects and be more effective in applying their learning – particularly when it comes to test and exams.

The Primary Success Programme is offered to students from Primary 3 onwards. It is subject specific and complements the MOE curriculum. The Primary 3 level is known to be a crucial year, when Science as a new subject is introduced and when the foundations for the upper primary levels are established.   

What’s unique about the programme?

 #1 The programme is delivered in a 3-MIND environment

The foundation of all MindChamps programmes is the 3 Minds, a practical, developmental model comprising three distinct qualities:

  1. The Champion Mind– This celebrates each individual student’s uniqueness and how they overcome adversity to achieve success.
  2. The Learning Mind– This comprises strategies for learning how to learn so as to actively assist any learner to understand, store, recall and synthesise information and concepts.
  • The Creative Mind– This connects multiple perspectives and integrates them to solve problems, generating new, creative ideas.

#2 Unique teaching approach

We use fun and engaging activities to capture our students’ interest and stimulate their thinking. Such a teaching approach allows students to engage deeply with the subject matter, and better synthesize and recall the information learnt.   

#3 Taught by certified trainers

Our trainers are highly experienced; each of them has gone through 50 hours of MindChamps Way Training, which equips them with key teaching strategies such as effective engagement and coaching techniques. They are able to help students accurately identify their learning gaps and fill those gaps through relevant exercises and practice.

#4 Professional curriculum design

The Primary Success Programme is designed by expert curriculum designers who are well versed in the Ministry of Education syllabus, MindChamps’ proprietary Optimal Flow Method and Concept Formation.  

MindChamps’ unique Optimal Flow Method is a revolutionary approach to content mastery. Based on a scientific understanding of how the brain lays down, associates and recalls information, this approach enables any child to better master key elements of the curriculum in a way that eliminates anxiety and fear of examinations.

What to expect in the programme?

Students can expect to be introduced to key concepts in each subject in a fun and stress-free way. The weekly lessons will be reinforced through:

  • Comprehensive notes that clearly explain the topics through concepts
  • Weekly fun activities to stimulate children in thinking and analysis so to better synthesize knowledge and information
  • Topics are broken down into concepts through concept formation to broaden and deepen the understanding of subject-specifics
  • Test/Mock exams, Analysis of Test/Mock exams and Revision for every term

By the end of the programme, children will gain in knowledge and confidence in all four subjects. They will also become more adept at applying their knowledge to solve common problems encountered in tests and exams.

If you’re keen to find out more about what the Primary Success Programme can do for your child, book a consultation with us today!

Mon 03/06/2019