Who Else Wants An Edusave Award? What You Need To Know About These Awards

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Does your child receive an Edusave award every year? Or does this award seem mysterious and elusive to you?

Working towards an Edusave award is one way to motivate your child to study smart, and take on new challenges in school. Of course, it helps if you know exactly what awards there are, and how many students in your child’s school stand to get one.

If your child hopes to get an Edusave award — especially one for results improvement, good conduct, or leadership — you can make this known to your child’s teacher. In particular, find out if he or she is already being considered for an award. If not, ask what else needs to be done in order to meet the award requirements. Don’t hesitate to be proactive; it is better to know the success criteria, so that your child can take concrete steps to achieve this goal.

For perspective, you should also bear in mind the number of students in your child’s school.

In Singapore, a primary school class has 29 students on average, while a secondary school class has 33–34 students on average:

  • If we assume that there are six classes per level for primary schools, that would be 174 students per level, and 1,044 students per primary school.
  • For secondary schools, there might be six to 10 classes per level, and a cohort might have over 1,300 students.

Let’s say an award is given out to 2% of students in the entire school. You should be aware that only 20 students out of 1,000 will qualify.

Below, you can find out more about the Edusave awards, so that you can identify an award that might be within reach for your child!

Edusave Character Award

This award is given to up to 2% of students in each school, who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions.

Award amount:

  • Primary 1 to 3: S$200
  • Primary 4 to 6: S$350
  • Secondary or specialised school: S$500
  • Pre-university or ITE: S$500

Note: In Singapore, specialised schools offer customised programmes for students who are inclined towards hands-on and practical learning.

Edusave Scholarships

These awards are for students in government, government-aided, and specialised schools. To qualify, students must be within the top 10% of their school’s level and course, in terms of academic performance, and have demonstrated good conduct.

Award amount:

  • Primary 5 to 6: S$350
  • Secondary or specialised school: S$500

Note: If you are uncertain, check with your child’s teacher about what “course” means, in the context of your child’s school. In secondary schools, it likely refers to the stream that your child is in.

Edusave Awards for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES)

Up to 10% of students from each school who have demonstrated leadership qualities, service to community and schools, excellence in non-academic activities, and good conduct.

Award amount:

  • Primary 4 to 6: S$250
  • Secondary school: S$350
  • Specialised school: S$500
  • Pre-university: S$400
  • ITE: S$500

Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB)

For Primary 1 and 2 students — as they do not have exams — these awards are given to those who have demonstrated positive learning dispositions in the course of the year, have demonstrated good conduct, and whose families’ monthly household income does not exceed S$6,900 (or per capita income does not exceed S$1,725). 

For students in other levels, they will qualify by being within the top 25% of their school’s level and course, in terms of academic performance. Likewise, they will need to have demonstrated good conduct, and their families’ monthly household income should not exceed S$6,900 (or per capita income does not exceed S$1,725). Students should also not be recipients of an Edusave scholarship.

Award amount:

  • Primary 1 to 3: S$200
  • Primary 4 to 6: S$250
  • Secondary school: S$350
  • Specialised school: S$500
  • Pre-university: S$400
  • ITE or polytechnic: S$500

Note: Even if your monthly household income exceeds S$6,900, your child will still receive a letter of notification about the Edusave Merit Bursary. In some constituencies, students from these families will receive an invitation to a separate awards ceremony, where they may be presented with cheques or vouchers. 

Edusave Good Progress Award (GPA)

For students in Primary 1 to 3, those who do not qualify for the Edusave Merit Bursary, but have shown the greatest improvement in learning disposition in the course of the year and have demonstrated good conduct, are eligible for the Edusave Good Progress Award.

For students in other levels, those who are within the top 10% of their school’s level and course in terms of improvement in academic performance, and have demonstrated good conduct, will be eligible for this award.

Award amount:

  • Primary 2 to 3: S$100
  • Primary 4 to 6: S$150
  • Secondary school: S$200
  • Specialised school: S$400
  • Pre-university: S$250
  • ITE or polytechnic: S$400

Note: Students who are recipients of any Edusave scholarships or the Edusave Merit Bursary are not eligible for the Edusave Good Progress Award.

Edusave Skills Award

This award is only for students in specialised schools, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), and polytechnics. The award is given to up to 10% of students from each course in the graduating cohort, who have demonstrated excellent professional and soft skills throughout their course of study, as well as good conduct.

Award amount:

  • Specialised school: S$500
  • ITE or polytechnic: S$500

Edusave Achievement Award

This award is for students in special education schools, who meet the criteria set by their schools. The award amount varies across schools.

Please refer to the Ministry of Education’s website for the most accurate and updated information about the Edusave awards. To chat with the KSP community about the Edusave awards, join our community here!


Tue 13/07/2021