Why Creative Writing Is the Most Important Skill in the World

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Creative Writing has taken on an even more important role today. Besides being able to help children express themselves through words, creative writing builds confidence. It also develops other skills and connects well with other subjects.

Research shows that literacy skills are one of the strongest indicators of a child’s future success. But literacy isn’t just reading; writing effectively is an essential skill for success in school and in life, and has a lot of social and emotional benefits, too. Writing can help kids (and adults!) process their feelings, destress, and boost memory and creativity, while honing those communication and comprehension skills.

Here are the top 10 reasons why creative writing improves a child’s academics, and builds future readiness.


Creative writing is a fun way for individuals to express themselves and to learn. It’s not just about using creative words, but also enhancing how the brain works when it comes to discovering new stuff. The process of doing creative work is similar to the process of solving difficulties: you have a starting point that establishes an issue or question, then you need to think of a solution that satisfies the thing or answer.


Creative Writing is not just a matter of learning how to write; it’s about understanding and analysing what other writers have written. It helps children learn new words as they enjoy creative stories that set forth exciting plots. It also improves their math skills, as they think about numbers in terms of stories and people.

In Bethesda, Md., middle-school math coordinator Alessandra King often draws on reading and writing to offset what she describes as the increasingly abstract nature of math curriculum in primary and secondary schools.

“Reading and writing are complex, fundamental, integrative learning skills that should be used to their potential in math class,” King wrote.  

An honest secret: I was once a Math teacher. Trust me, problem solving questions are one of the hardest to teach. And I notice that it requires a fair deal of creativity and imagination for a child to understand the scenario in those Math questions before being able to solve them. I still remember receiving a huge teacher’s day card from my graduating class in 2008, made of a nice pink vanguard sheet with the message:


Creative work is a form of play, which has been proven to increase serotonin levels related to anxiety and depression. Children who are more creative will be more successful in school because they will be more motivated to assume control of how they learn. I remember one of my students from Writers Studio School of English, Kaitlin, showing me her written journals. She creates short fiction with her friends online just as a form of leisure. To her, creative writing helps relieve stress by transporting her mind into an imaginary world. Even “Teacher Carean Lisbeth Oh” became her fictional character in one of her stories! (Smile)


This kind of writing helps children feel more confident in their abilities. It provides them with the opportunity to immerse themselves in different worlds and revel in ideas without fear of being judged, which can be a problem when it comes to schoolwork. The creative process develops children’s way to express themselves creatively via words. This teaches them how to research and learn more.


Creative writing teaches students how to write clearly and concisely to share their ideas. Creative writing is well-suited for many educational contexts. It’s also especially important in higher grades, where students are required to engage in more verbal communication in greater detail. Your child will be able to communicate well with their classmates, which will allow them to learn things that will enrich their academic experience.


Publishing creative work can help children become familiar with collaboration. It can help them learn to work with others in efforts to achieve group goals and launch their own businesses in the future. Not only can it improve their memory skills, but it can also increase their intelligence. Students are going to be more focused on the task at hand because they are more focused on what happens next to the characters they’ve created through the writing.

Prior to running Writers Studio, I used to run a second company which produced fashion products for women (which I shall share in my later posts). It was very successful only because of good teamwork. It was not easy since my team members were scattered across the globe with a global distribution network. However, publishing our marketing stories and content taught us that unity makes dream work.


A student’s reading comprehension skills along with writing and grammar can improve through a writing class. One school aspect you should always teach your children is how to treat information and articulate it.


It provides an opportunity for students to practise and experiment with various kinds of vocabulary, styles, and sentence structures. It expands their insight into the world by enabling them to engage not only with a snapshot of the day or description of themselves, but with events and geographic locations from around the world.


Using critical thinking, students may accept an author’s perspective and learn what it feels like to experience something that is different from their own. When students are forced to create a character that’s similar to their own, they can unexpectedly access and understand another person’s thoughts and feelings.


Last but not least, creative writers often become successful in helping employers think critically and creatively too. By helping kids think creatively, you are laying the foundation for them to be successful in future years.

Encouraging good writing skills in your child is one of the best ways you can set them up for success. It doesn’t matter WHAT they write; a regular writing practice will help them improve their skills – plus, it’s fun!

Written by Carean Lisbeth Oh


Tue 19/04/2022