Why Wait Till The O-Levels? Find Out About Poly Courses Now!

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Is your child interested in attending a polytechnic? It’s a weighty decision, so don’t wait for the O-Level (or A-Level) results to start considering courses! 

In fact, research can begin while your child is in upper secondary school. There are literally hundreds of courses to browse, and course descriptions may not be reader-friendly, so you and your child will have to make the effort to look up new terms and decide if these might be areas of interest.

But don’t be daunted: if you’re getting an early start, time is on your side. Use our guide below for some handy links that will help you to finetune your search. We’ve also highlighted courses that are new, or have been revamped, so you can check those out first!

Temasek Polytechnic

At Temasek Polytechnic (TP), courses cover the following interest areas:

  • Applied Sciences
  • Built Environment
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering
  • Humanities
  • Information & Digital Technologies
  • Media & Design

You can use TP’s diploma course finder to view courses by its various schools, or by interest. A useful feature here is that you can also view each course’s intake size and estimated entry score range.

For 2021, TP is offering two new diploma courses. The first is in Applied Artificial Intelligence, for those who are fascinated by how we can use AI to do things differently, faster, or more efficiently. Students will learn to:

Read the course overview here.

TP’s second new offering for 2021 is in Architectural Technology and Building Services. It’s for students who are interested in building forms, such as Jewel Changi Airport. If your child has wondered about how some of these buildings were conceptualised before construction, this might be a suitable course. Students will gain skill-sets in 3D modelling and sustainable design, as well as building systems engineering and automation. (Technically, this is TP’s Green Building & Sustainability course with a fresh update, to stay in tune with the times.) 

Read the course overview here.

Republic Polytechnic

At Republic Polytechnic (RP), courses cover the following interest areas:

  • Applied Sciences
  • Built Environment
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Information & Digital Technologies
  • Media & Design

You can use RP’s full-time diploma course finder to view courses by its various schools, or by interest. To view entry requirements, you will have to click on each course for details.

For 2021, RP is introducing full-time diplomas in Sustainable Built Environment and Environmental and Marine Science.

Built environment courses are suitable for students who are interested in our surroundings, especially spaces created for human activity. RP’s Sustainable Built Environment course covers interest areas that you will probably need to look up, such as:

Read the course overview here.

RP’s Environmental and Marine Science course merges two of its former diploma courses, and it will appeal to students who have been following climate change developments, such as declining clean water supplies, reduced food yields, and disease outbreaks. Taking such a course would allow passionate youths to pursue careers related to environmental sustainability, and make a positive impact in the world.

Read the course overview here

Ngee Ann Polytechnic

At Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), courses cover the following interest areas:

  • Applied Sciences
  • Built Environment
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Information & Digital Technologies
  • Maritime Studies
  • Media & Design

You can view NP’s full-time diploma courses on a single page, grouped by interest. Detailed course brochures are also available for download. To view entry requirements, you will have to click on each course for details. The highlight here is that the course information is well presented, and it will be a pleasure to browse the site.

NP has revamped several of its courses, so you might want to look at these first:

* These courses feature a new Business Digitalisation track.

Nanyang Polytechnic

At Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), courses cover the following interest areas:

  • Applied Sciences
  • Business Management
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Health & Social Sciences
  • Interactive & Digital Media
  • Information Technology

NYP doesn’t have a course finder feature on their website, so you’ll have to go to their Schools landing page to wade in. New or revamped courses at NYP to look out for are:

  • Common Business Programme: Such programmes (also available in other disciplines, as well as in other polytechnics) are for students who want to explore their interests before deciding on a discipline to pursue. Students will have opportunities to network with industry practitioners, as well as receive career guidance, so that they can make an informed decision to choose a diploma track in Year 1, Semester 2.
  • Business Intelligence & Analytics: Taught under a new “Professional Competency” model from 2021.

Singapore Polytechnic

At Singapore Polytechnic, courses cover the following interest areas:

  • Applied Sciences
  • Built Environment
  • Business Management
  • Engineering
  • Health Sciences (specifically Optometry)
  • Information & Digital Technologies
  • Maritime Studies
  • Media & Design

You can view all of SP’s courses in a single page, along with entry requirements and enrollment figures.

A new development at SP is that it has merged its media-related courses, and will offer them as specialisation tracks under a new Media, Arts & Design programme. Read the course overview here.


Wed 13/01/2021