Year-End School Holidays 2023: Time to Use Your ActiveSG Credits!

Submitted by Advertiser KiasuParent

Need school holiday ideas for your children aged four to 12?

To keep children happy and healthy during the break, look for activities where they can be on the move. Any form of exercise provides a much-needed break from screens, while releasing serotonin and endorphins in our bodies — these are known as “happy chemicals,” because they lift moods and regulate stress levels. Getting a workout is the best way for children to release stress and feel happier and healthier through the holidays, so that they can fully recharge for the new school year.

Wondering how often to plan active play activities for children below 12? The World Health Organization recommends that children get some physical activity every day. For busy families, this can be as simple as a daily walk in a nearby park. If there is a sport that the whole family enjoys, you can schedule regular family play sessions during the weekends, to ensure that everyone gets the exercise they need while also spending quality time together.

S$100 ActiveSG Top-Up for 4 to 12 Year Olds

Did you know that all local children aged four to 12 with ActiveSG accounts have received a credit top-up of S$100 in May 2023? This is in addition to any sign-up credits that they have previously received. (All Singapore citizens and permanent residents will enjoy this benefit.)

These ActiveSG credits can be used to:

Many parents may be unaware of these credits, or they might have forgotten about them. Do be sure to utilise the credits, especially if you are regularly booking facilities for your kids’ sports training!

If your child already has an ActiveSG account, you can view their credits through the ActiveSG app. Log into your own account, click on the profile icon in the top right corner, select “Me,” and you should be able to see the option to switch to your child’s account. If not, please get in touch with ActiveSG for assistance.

For those who have yet to register with ActiveSG, simply head over to the registration page for sign-up details. Children below 12 are eligible for supplementary membership, which is tagged to the accounts of their parents or guardians.

ActiveSG Tips for the School Holidays

To get the most out of your ActiveSG experiences, here are a few things to note.

With rainy weather expected during the year-end school holidays, you may have to cancel plans for outdoor sports, such as tennis, at short notice. ActiveSG’s policy is that when a booking becomes unplayable (due to maintenance issues or inclement weather), you can make a refund request via their online feedback form

For ActiveSG swimming pools, no advance bookings are required. To gain admission, you’ll need to scan in with your NRIC or My QR on your ActiveSG app at the turnstile. Pool admission charges will be deducted from your e-Wallet, so please ensure that your e-Wallet has sufficient funds.

To book ActiveSG facilities such as badminton courts, please refer to ActiveSG’s official guide for “slot release” information. For popular bookings like badminton in particular, it’s important to know that slots are released 14 days in advance, at 7am, and every user is limited to two slot bookings per day. Slots can be snapped up almost instantly upon release, so you should log in several minutes prior to the release timing, and be quick to choose slots at your preferred facility.

Planning for group games such as Frisbee or soccer with other families? You can check out ActiveSG’s free-to-play locations. These are school fields that are open for public use, and no bookings are required.

Need more outdoor activity ideas for the school holidays? Join the conversation on our KiasuParents forum!

This article is brought to you in partnership with Sport Singapore.

Tue 14/11/2023