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Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:16 pm
by KS parents
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the beauty of our immune system.

Everyone one of us have a personal doctor (immune system) protecting us 24 hours a day, throughout our lifetime. Our immune system (best doctor in the world) is providing us daily DEFENSE against viruses & bacteria, PROTECT against ever mutating viruses and CLEANSE our dead cells and destroy viruses within our body daily.

We fall sick, contracted flu viruses, cough, diagnose with cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, bacterias are a result of our immune system malfunction. Such situation largely is a cause by pollution, work stress, improper work environment and more importantly, the food we eat.

If we are able to maintain and give our health / body, (1) sufficient sleep, (2) reasonable exercise regime, (3) adopt a positive thinking (happy) and lastly (4) balanced nutrition diet, we will have a balance immune system which would protect us against any form of illnesses and viruses. With the first 3 is largely individual effort, I can share and assist on the 4th scope - balanced nutrition diet. How do we eat and what do we eat to boost, strengthened and enhanced our body immune system.

This is very much important for all of us, especially for growing children - their development is only once, if not well taken care of, we are bringing more harm and health to our children. Working adults - exposure to readily made food, improper diets, we are risking our health against our career. Elderly citizens - with slowdown metabolism, they are often lacking in nutrients required with low in diet intake.

Time to spend a thought on how do we able to maintain our health of our children, family and ourselves to fight this globalisation environment through plants and fruits instead of vitamins, drugs and medications.

Health requires wisdom to manage and protect.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:21 pm
by KS parents
Side effects - Hidden dangers of drugs & medications

With medical drugs, it provides one with symptomatic relief, however it brings adverse effect as well. Ever realise why you had drug allergies after consuming prescribed antibiotics or other medicines? A risk we expose ourself as the prescription had trigger an immune malfunction of cells self-destruct within themselves resulting in swelling eyes, rashes and nausea.

Therefore, we should take an active participation with the prescription and ask if it causes side effects and any harm we are exposing to our kidneys & liver.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:11 pm
by KS parents
Cancer, Stroke, Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes - these are silent killer within us.

Till date, there had been no cure to the above illnesses, however it can be prevented. As I share, waiting for cure is tough, prevention is definitely easier.

It took awhile for me to come to terms that prevention is not by means of having more regular check-ups, having more thorough and expensive checkups, or consuming un-necessary high cost vitamins, medications or hear-say solutions.

Afterall, prevention requires a little more knowledge and wisdom. I had been going around to share and spread this wisdom and the importance of our immune system. When a person agrees with me, I had safe him from the dangers of drugs and medications, save in un-necessary cost on supplements and more importantly to share this wisdom with the people around him.

Afterall, I enjoy the joy of sharing this prevention science, our immune system comprising soldiers like T-Cells, B-Cells and Macrophages. These are the backbenchers to our good health and allowing us to enjoy what we have (house, career, stature, etc) today.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:22 pm
by KS parents
Something to share

A lady friend (late 30s) of mine, where she had issues with menstruation (no menses for months) and very bad constipation. After consulting a GP, was diagnosed with menopause. However, she is relatively young, such occurrence is a little too early. Hence was prescribed with some hormones medications.

After taking such medications, she encountered some signs of menses but stopped the very next moment. Furthermore, no improvement of her constipation. After review with the GP, it was assess that its early menopause, and no medication can be prescribed and advise her to wait till post-menopause. The lady was badly hurt emotionally and dissappointed.

I shared the wisdom of nutritional immunology, within 10 days of regular intake of convenience plants and fruits to enhance and improve her immune system, her menses came and she defecated twice within the 10 days. The lady was so happy and express great gratitude towards the science of nutritional immunology. We are happy for her as well. She had overcome her medical issues and leads a better life, instead of not doing anything and letting the symptoms and illnesses to control her.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:03 pm
by KS parents
Like to share this info from Journal of the American Medical Association - Vitamins could raise risk of early death; Vitamins could shorten lifespan

Studies showed that three types of supplements - vitamins A, E and Beta-carotene - could increase the risk of early death. Research shows that vitamin supplements are a waste of money. The British Heart Foundation recommends a good balanced diet over taking vitamin supplements.

The Copenhagen University Hospital Research team analyzed a lot of information. The analysis method is developed bt Cochrane Collaboration, a renowned organization that specializes in medical analysis.

Vitamin supplement supporters believe that vitamins can act as antioxidants to prevent the damaging oxidizing effects of cholesterol etc on health, thereby helping heart disease and cancer prevention.This theory seems to make sense and is supported by initial tests. However, later tests reveal different results.

The Copenhagen research team selected 68 randomized trials with 232,606 participants, including 47 low-biaz trials with 180,938 participants. They discovered that taking vitamin supplements, on the whole, increased death risk by 5%. Beta-carotene produced an approximate 7% increased risk, vitamins A, a 16% increased and vitamins E, a 4% increase. The risk of death was unchanged among vitamins C users. Certain trials showed that selenium, singly or combined with other vitamins, might lower death risk by 10%.

There is no evidence that vitamins C may increase longevity. We lack evidence to refute a potential negative effect of vitamin C on survival. Selenium tended to reduce mortality, but we need more research on this question, stated Dr. Goran Bjelakovic, leader of the research team. In addition, beta-carotene might increase the risk of lung cancer among smokers.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:14 pm
by KS parents
With the rapid industrialisation and modernisation of the society, we are deprived more and more of natural wholesome plants and fruits.

Coupled with the approach of cooking, boiling, steaming, frying and any other preparation method on our food, we are in fact consuming zero-nutrients meal each time. The purpose of 3 meals or more a day is only to fill our stomach and avoid starvation.

This expose us to improper consumption of vitamins and supplements for the lack of nutrients which we think we requires. In fact, this is so wrong and a grave mistakes to just take these vitamins and supplements.

Takes time to understand the proper mindset of this preventive science of proper consumption of only plants and fruits. Not extracts and chemical-derived vitamins & supplements.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:15 pm
by KS parents
Hi All Forumers,

Studies had shown that each of us have a cancer cells occuring within us every minute, however not all of us is diagnose with cancer. This is because our immune system is carrying out its roles and purpose to remove and destroy these cancer cells within us almost immediately.

It is also not easy to contract cancer, research had indicated for a cancer cells to developed, we requires the cells within us to make at least 100 and above mistakes and expose to cancer causing components.

However, we do share the important of prevention and preventive approach to nourish our immune cells to protect and prevent such cancer cells to even develop (not to mention to avoid making 100 mistakes and above in our daily routine to the cancer cells).

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:16 pm
by KS parents
I am eager to share, and meeting people around is my pleasure. No obligations, but if opportunity is given to you to know this preventive science, you will gain not for yourself, but your family members and friends too.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:26 am
by KS parents
Simple fact that most of us got it wrong.

Do you know that the protein in milk, meat and egg is not as much as you can absorb from soybean?

The amount of protein you can receive from soybean is 2 times more than meat. Soybean protein is 4 times more than an egg and it is 12 times more than milk.

Another benefits of wholesome soybean, it does not comes with any animal hormones and high cholesterol. Other than proteins, it provides you with phytochemicals and calcium.

Re: Nutritional Immunology - Prevention Science

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:01 pm
by KS parents
Are you a victim of the followings:

1. Cod Liver Oil
2. Omega-3 supplements
3. Fish Oil (S**tts)

It is a known fact that sea pollution is getting beyond control, with oil spills, pesticides, mercury, etc. These are all cancer causing components.

On another note, what we exactly need is ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) which is available only in plants and fruits like spinach, kiwi fruit, Chia seeds.

As our body unable to secretes ALA, what we need was to consume them from wholesome plant source and our beautiful body system will convert these ALA into EPA & DHA.

Through extracting from Cod Fish, Salmon Fish of their EPA & DHA, infact they had convert it from consuming seaweed which consist of ALA. If fishes can do the conversion, I strongly believe that we (Human) can do it better than them.

Hence, one need to know the background of omega-3 and consume from the right source and not stress our body system and expose them to extreme high risk of chemical-derived EPA & DHA.

For more details and information of nutritional immunology, can reach me at [email protected]