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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:19 pm
by Jennifer
Charmaine_chong wrote:Hi Fav_giraffe,

I know that iherb webite. There are so many sites till i really lost which one is cheaper to get.

Can you let me know your code to get $5 off?

Dear Autumbronze,

I am the member of Vitakids and often shop there too.

I just knew from other parents that buying on line is so much cheaper. So i m trying to find out which site is cheaper and reliable.
Is it reliable to buy Fish oil capsules from online stores? At present I am buying from VitaKids with member's discount. Are online stores even cheaper? Considering freight and handling fees?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:34 am
by blueblue
I used to buy Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops from Carrefour Suntec. However that was last year. Not sure if they still sell it.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:05 am
by Charmaine_chong
Dear Jennifer,

Yes it is so much cheaper to order on line. There are many sites, you have to check which one is easier, cheaper , having promotion.

Eg: Sambucol for 120ml.
Vitakids sell $23-24 per bottle before member disc.
Order on line inclusive freight, the final cost is $17-$18 per bottle.

There are many sprees on going in Some may not save you money. You have to do a check and inquire the organiser.

If you buy a lot, it is definitely worth to order yourself.