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Each participant paid $25 to attend a workshop. On Saturday, the number of female participants was 130 fewer than the number of male participants. On Sunday, the number of male participants decreased by 20% while the number of female participants increase by 20%. There were 574 participants on Sunday. Find the total amount of money paid by all the participants on both day.


Hope it helps πŸ™‚

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Let the number of male participants attending the workshop on Saturday be M.


Number of Ladies: M-130

Number of Guys : M


Number of Ladies: (M -130) x 120% = 1.2M – 156

Number of Guys : M x 80% = 0.8M


Thus, on Sunday, the total number of participants = (1.2M-156)+0.8M = 574

2M = 830 (Should be 730 instead)

M = 415

Number of female participants on Saturday = 415 -130 = 285

Total number of participants on Saturday= 415 + 285 = 700

Total amount of money paid = (700 x $25) + (574 x $25)


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Hi JC – Math, thank you so much.Β 

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Hi JC-Math .com, thanks for your prompt reply.

the answer given was $ 29,350. thank.


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Though it is possible to edit my earlier post, I will make a modification to my workings and highlight my mistakes in blue. Let’s learn from my mistake!

It is possible to solve this question using the number of ladies or guys on Saturday as a reference. Arosisi’s approach used the number of ladies attending the workshop on Saturday as a reference, that is 100%. My workings will be using the number of guys on Saturday as 100%.Β 

The earlier post’s method is based on algebra. If it is not a suitable method, you can consider percentage method + model diagram in arosisi’s postΒ 

Percentage Method

Let the number of male participants attending the workshop on Saturday be 100%.


Number of Guys : 100%

Number of Ladies: 100%-130


Number of Guys : 100% x 80% = 80%

Number of Ladies: (100% -130) x 120% = 120% – 156

Thus, on Sunday, the total number of participants = (120%-156)+80% β†’Β 574

200% β†’Β 574+156 = 730

100% β†’Β 365

Number of female participants on Saturday = 365 -130 = 235

Total number of participants on Saturday= 365 + 235 = 600

Total amount of money paid = (600 + 574) x $25

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Hi JC-Math, really appreciated your detail explanation. thanks again.

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F -> 100%

M -> 100% + 130

Total -> 200% + 130


F -> 100% + 20% = 120%

M -> 100% + 130 – 20% – 26 = 80% + 104

Total -> 200% + 104

200% + 104 = 574

200% = 574 – 104 = 470

Total (Sat) = 470 + 130 = 600

Total (Sat+Sun) = 600 + 574 = 1174

Total sum of money = 1174 x $25 = $29350 (Ans)

Hope it helps πŸ™‚

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Hope it helps πŸ™‚

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Thank you once again Arosisi.

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