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Bala has some 5cents, 10cent and 20cents coins. The number of 5cents coins is three times that of 10cents coins. There are 2 more 20cents coins than 10cents coins. If the total value of the coins is $10.35, how many 5cent coins does Bala have?


let number of 10- cent coins be x.

no of 5-cent coins = 3x

no of 10-cent coins = x

no of 20-cent coins = 2+x

Total value: 3x(0.05) + x(0.10) + (2+x)(0.20) = 10.35

0.15x+ 0.10x + 0.40 + 0.2x = 10.35

0.45x = 9.95

x= 22.1111 round off to 22

no of 5 cent coins = 22×3= 66

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Assuming your answer is correct,

… …

No. of 5-cent coins: 66
No. of 10-cent coins: 66÷3 = 22
No. of 20-cent coins: 22 + 2 = 24 

  Quantity Value
No. of 5-cent coins 66 66 × 0.05 = $3.30
No. of 10-cent coins 66 ÷ 3 = 22 22 × 0.10 = $2.20
No. of 20-cent coins 22 + 2 = 24 24 × 0.20 = $4.80
  Total value: $10.30

This still does not give the total value of $10.35.

If you have defined the value of x to be the NUMBER of coins, how can it output a decimal? And how can it simply be rounded off?

This is not a fluid algebraic quantity; it refers to an actual quantity of a physical object.

This question is NOT solvable. There has to be an error or typo in the question.

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Good point.  The total sum should be $10.30 instead of $10.35.  Maybe the original poster can clarify.

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This is an interesting problem.  So sorry it slipped unnoticed.  Any solutions to this?

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Doesn’t seem solvable.

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Lol.  It looks like I’m not so stupid after all 🙂

But it does seem solvable, maybe by some devious method.  Probably some brain teaser or something.

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