Bukit Batok Schools Phase 2A Projections

Submitted by Chief Kiasu


This week, we look at the schools in Bukit Batok.

  • We added the application rates for Phase 2A(1) + Phase 2A(2) simulating Phase 2A.
    This is the number of people that applied for the phases.
  • We subtract 20 places from Phase 2A.
  • We then divided the application rate by the resulting number of places.
    ie. intensity = application rate/number of places
  • We repeated the same process for the last 5 years.
  • Finally, we sort the results according to the school with the highest application rate in 2021.

Only Princess Elizabeth Primary will possibly require balloting in 2022, but it is only because of a great growth in demand in 2020 which tapered off in 2021.  Hopefully, it can avoid balloting in 2022, and its regular cohort size of 200 remains intact.

The rest of the schools in this area seems to be fine, with only St Anthony’s Primary having about 75% full last year.  Both Dazhong and Keming Primary are more than 50% full, but are unlikely to pose any threat given the application rates of the last 5 years.

Bukit Merah Schools Phase 2A Projections

Fri 17/12/2021