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Join us to make an impact in one of the largest parenting communities in Singapore.  KiasuParents is a pioneer and leading parenting community in Singapore, started by parents, for parents of toddlers to teens, to ask questions, share insights or experiences and support each other.  As parents, we want the best for our kids, and what better way than to count on each other! We are the only active Parenting Forum over the past decade. If you will like to be a regular contributor or have interesting stories or tips to share with fellow parents – on parenting, family or education –  drop us a note at  [email protected] today! 
Some of the perks our regular contributors enjoy include exclusive event invitations, priority to member events /giveaways or double chances in contests….Yes we have given away Apple watch, hampers, gift vouchers and more. We will be happy to share with you what we are lining up for you!  Get in touch today!
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