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Hi, this Qns is from the P5 textbook under chap 2 whole numbers. Its one of the word problems and need to use model diagram to solve it. I only know how to solve it using substitution method. Can someone enlighten me how to use model diagram for this qns. Thanks in advance.

Source: St Andrew’s Junior


[Kim] + [Mei] ——- [Yanti] + [220]
[Yanti] + [Mei] ——- [Kim] + ]140]
[Kim] + [Yanti] + [Mei] + [Mei] ——- [Kim] + [Yanti] + [220] + [140]
Mei ——- (220 + 140)/2 = 180

Ans : 180 stamps.
Note :
Kim ——- 270
Yanti ——- 230

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I saw that you use —- lines.

Are they —>    or  =   ?


The teachers in school already have different opinion on the use of —> and = .

And now you are using  —— lines.


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In case you are unaware, use ‘arrows’ for ‘percentages and rates’ and ‘equal signs’ for ‘units’ according to MOE. For others, listen and obey teacher-in-charge’s instructions; always. An example is your use of ‘u’ instead of ‘unit”.

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Thank you for your advice.


I was talking about your  —-  line in this answer? 

It is neither   —>   nor  =.


Reply to your query 

For my 1u, I just follow the rule of algebraic equation, which students will be learn in Secondary 1.

1u = 10 is the same as 1a = 10 or 1b = 10. This is what pupils are learning in P6.


You may treat my 1u as 1 unit.  

But for me, 1u is just an algebraic expression.


Anyway, thanks for your information from MOE.

So far, my pupils change all percentage to algebra,

100% become 100u.

So they have no ambiguous in writing —> and =.


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Hi Sir,

Thank you for your long reply.

However, you may not expain your —— line symbol in your problem solving.

It is neither —>  nor =.


Please explian just this point. Thank you. 

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Hi Sir,
Thank you for your long reply. (I was just replying to your posting which was a long one.)
However, you may not expain your —— line symbol in your problem solving. (There is no need to explain as my students will do the necessary.) 
It is neither —> nor =. (Yes, it is.)

Please explian just this point. Thank you.  (As above and you are welcome.)

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Hi Sir,

Thank  you for your no reply.


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Hi Sir,
Thank you for your no reply. ( I have replied as above and you are welcome.)

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(Please refer to my bracket in brackets.)
Thank you for your advice. (Don’t mention.)
I was talking about your —- line in this answer? (I know)
It is neither —> nor =. ( Yes)
Reply to your query (It’s not a query but a statement.)
For my 1u, I just follow the rule of algebraic equation, which students will be learn in Secondary 1.
1u = 10 is the same as 1a = 10 or 1b = 10. This is what pupils are learning in P6. (It is a P5 Math question here and your reply shows that you are ignorant of “The word “unit” should also be fully spelt out, as opposed to only writing the letter “u”..)
You may treat my 1u as 1 unit. (I am aware of this.)

(To be continued…)

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This is a Simultaneous Equation question. 

   R1 R2  R1 + R2 
Kim    1 -1  0
Yati -1  1  0
Mei  1    1  2
Total   200  140  340

2u  = 340

1u = 340 ÷ 2 = 170 Mei


200 – 170  = 30 (kim more than Yati)

500 – 30 = 470

470 ÷ 2 = 235  Yati

235 + 30 =  265 Kim

235 + 170 = 405 Mei and Yati

405 – 140 = 265 Kim 

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This method is not using model diagram to solve it.

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This is Table Method.

If you are interested  to find out more about Table Method, you may search “Table Method” in this site.



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