The Secondary 1 Survival Guide

Submitted by KiasuEditor

Sec 1 survival guide

After the rollercoaster ride of the PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examinations) year, students have barely a month to recover from the stress and emotional upheaval before the new school year begins. But unlike in previous years, they will have to contend with a new environment, new subjects, new teachers, and new friends—for some, the onslaught of change can be overwhelming.

During this time, parents should keep the lines of communication open, and monitor their children closely for signs that they may require additional support.

Click on our guides below for advice on choosing the right secondary school and helping your child thrive in this exciting new season of life and learning.

Pick The Right School

New Subjects

Co-Curricular Activities

Coping Skills

 Learning Skills

 Critical Thinking

Goal Setting

Growth Mindset

Social Skills

Stories From Parents


Wed 22/11/2017